Best Cards
This category presents the best cards of the game. The list is based on a statistical analysis of the Tournament Winning Deck Archive (TWDA) provided by VEKN, considering the 900+ decks from 2020 onward. The best cards are those that have been included in the most winning decks since then.
All clan Hunting Grounds and, on occasions, some low capacity vampires, have been omitted to focus on the most relevant.
Some clan lists use overall statistics spanning 30+ years, because they have not scored enough wins in the last 5 years. When it is the case, they appear in red and it is indicated on the list.
Abominations A, Blood Brothers F, Hecata y, Panders a, Osebo Z, Nagaraja W and Samedi e are too rarely played to be included in this analysis: they lack the numbers for a statistical review to be relevant.
All Imbued are included in the same analysis regardless of their creed.