E Baali

Baali and their unique discipline y provide good clan cards. Their vampires are all Infernal, and 1 pool per turn is a high cost, but some of them, combined with the clan cards, have abilities matching this cost. There are multiple archetypes used by the Baali clan:

The Unnamed

The Unnamed
played in 33 decks, typically 3-8 copies

Star of his own archetype, his ability makes for a very comfortable bloat. His access to such a powerful disciplines combination allows him to use a broad range of cards.


played in 32 decks, typically 1-2 copies

The best ally of the clan, Veneficti has a 2 points bleed combined with stealth, all for the cheap cost of 1 pool. Hard to resist: it is the kind of awesome cards one is paying the Infernal penalty for.


played in 25 decks, typically 1-4 copies

An excellent ability for politics, defensively or offensively. Depending on the opposition, she can offer a swing from 1 to 4 votes reliably. Star of the Infernal Barons archetype.


played in 20 decks, typically 3-5 copies

Another star of the Baali clan, her ability led to Master-focused decks like Girls Will Find Inner Circle, now in decline since the 2024 nerf to Ashur Tablets.

The Horde

The Horde
played in 17 decks, typically 3-6 copies

An excellent sidekick - its ability can be used to boost older vampires bleed easily, even from torpor.

Giotto Verducci

Giotto Verducci
played in 14 decks, typically 4-5 copies

Another Baali E star, particularily appreciated for his relatively low capacity and ability to cycle cards fast. Perfect in combo decks of all sorts.

Tend the Flock

Tend the Flock
played in 14 decks, typically 3-7 copies

An excellent bloat device. Played in many Baali decks, it also plays well with Cybele ability. This card helps to make up for the Infernal penalty and is straightly better than Grooming the Protege.

Xeper, Sultan of Lepers

Xeper, Sultan of Lepers
played in 11 decks, typically 1-3 copies

An excellent vampire, with a very annoying ability against ally constructs and a decent one for vote constructs. His inferior y is almost not an issue.

Unleash Hell's Fury

Unleash Hell's Fury
played in 81 decks, typically 2-4 copies

The most played y card. The pool cost is steep, but it is a dreadful defence. It can be used to deter bleeds or protect vampires against aggressive actions. The threat of torpor without even a combat is hard to get around.

I am Legion

I am Legion
played in 37 decks, typically 2-4 copies

An excellent card against A bounces Telepathic Misdirection and My Enemy's Enemy, it does not jam the hand as it can be used at superior OY to just gain a pool for a blood (the card text states "and/or").


played in 30 decks, typically 1 copy

A decent pool damage provider, although often played as a single copy in Baali decks. It is a way to bring the pool cost around the table closer to the one one has to pay to unlock Infernal vampires, and is more useful in slow-paced decks.

Sense the Sin

Sense the Sin
played in 30 decks, typically 2-5 copies

A very versatile card, it can be used for intercept or additional bleed, depending on the situation. Always useful, at no cost, even with no corruption counter around.

Infernal Servitor

Infernal Servitor
played in 17 decks, typically 1-4 copies

An excellent ally: although he does not stay in play, his bleed power is huge and can make for a very nice lunge.

Kaymakli Fragment

Kaymakli Fragment
played in 15 decks, typically 2-7 copies

Mostly used in Infernal decks to bloat or help get vampires out faster and cheaper, it is sometimes used by Sabbat vampires for the cycling ability. It is a favorite of Giotto Verducci.


played in 15 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A decent block denial, although limited to younger vampires and allies, it still applies to a lot of minions when one plays Cybele or The unnamed.

Condemnation: Mute

Condemnation: Mute
played in 11 decks, typically 2-5 copies

An excellent card for politics, both defensively and offensively. Even Baali decks with no take on the politics game can play it just to hinder a politic opponent.