S Kiasyd

The Kiasyd and their unique x discipline are quite close to the Lasombra w, so they've been included in Lasombra w deck as additional vampires, but also led to an archetype of their own, the Kiasyd Stealth & Bleed. Compared to the Lasombra w, x provides more bleed and stealth options and less combat options than p.


played in 12 decks, typically 1-3 copies

All clan disciplines at superior ODX for just 6 pool, he also has a rare ability that can provide an additional Master action. He sometimes get included in decks for this ability alone.

Dame Hollerton

Dame Hollerton
played in 11 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A solid £D combination for just 5 pool, she is included in Lasombra w as well as Kiasyd decks.

Great Symposium

Great Symposium
played in 7 decks, typically 1-2 copies

Often included when playing four or more Kiasyds in the crypt – it has no burn option and can jam the hand if no Kiasyd is out yet. This is a 3 pool bloat, a high value for a Master card.

Stone Travel

Stone Travel
played in 6 decks, typically 3-5 copies

It is included in most Kiasyd decks and even in Lasombra-Kiasyd mixes as it can also be used at $. Additional stealth from x is one of the main points of using Kiasyd instead of Lasombra w.

Fae Contortion

Fae Contortion
played in 6 decks, typically 3-7 copies

Yet another stealth source, with a combat option that can come in handy. The ability to cancel an Immortal Grapple can save a vampire, even if it is not the main point of the card.

The Arcadian

The Arcadian
played in 6 decks, typically 2-4 copies

Although a bit expensive with his 8 pool cost, he has all clan disciplines at superior and an excellent ability that let him deliver deadlier bleeds to the prey.

Roderick Phillips March

Roderick Phillips March
played in 5 decks, typically 1-3 copies

A good disciplines combination for pure Kiasyd crypts, although his ability is rarely used.


played in 5 decks, typically 1 copy

A good disciplines combination at a reasonable price — she is often included in pure Kiasyd crypts.

Omme Enberbenight

Omme Enberbenight
played in 5 decks, typically 1-3 copies

Good disciplines combination and an excellent ability in pure Kiasyd crypts, for a very reasonnable 7 pool.

Aura Absorption

Aura Absorption
played in 5 decks, typically 3-4 copies

The intercept feature can come in handy in some cases, but this card is mostly used for yet another source of stealth


played in 4 decks, typically 2-7 copies

Not used in all Kiasyd constructs, as d gives access to better bleed actions, its +1 stealth bonus can still be the cornerstone of a stealth & bleed strategy. Combined with Bonding, it results in a solid 3 bleed and 2 stealth action.

Song of Pan

Song of Pan
played in 3 decks, typically 2-4 copies

A nice boost for a lunge move, it is a classic inclusion for pure Kiasyd decks. Again, the lack of a burn option makes it difficult to include in mixed Lasombra w decks.