Master cards


played in 557 decks, typically 2-6 copies

Its Trifle trait made it one of the best leech option overall, besting Minion Tap and often slower tools like Vessel or Blood Doll.

Dreams of the Sphinx

Dreams of the Sphinx
played in 531 decks, typically 1-3 copies

Loved for its ubiquitousness, the Dreams provides either two pool (and can even accelerate the setup if played early) or help the deck rotation in critical moments by drawing two cards.


played in 868 decks, typically 2-4 copies

The most played leeching card after the ubiquitous , it enables a 1 point leech per turn and allows to give some blood back to a vampire, which can avoid hunt actions and keep A&B high. Blood Doll is cheaper and faster, but it can be destroyed and it is not a Trifle.

Wider View

Wider View
played in 374 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A cheap Trifle that provides rotation to the crypt. For a lot of crypts, this is a useful asset in the mid game to help fetch a third vampire. It is even guaranteed to generate one pool at some point.

Giant's Blood

Giant's Blood
played in 367 decks, typically 1 copy

Even if it is only once per game, it brings more blood on the table than any other card, with the notable exception of Golconda: Inner Peace. It is often played in a single copy: with a bit of luck it brings a definitive advantage, otherwise it prevents an opponent to play it himself.

Direct Intervention

Direct Intervention
played in 328 decks, typically 1-2 copies

The ability to cancel any minion card is extremely valuable. It has reliable role in wall decks to deal with block denial, otherwise its value varies depending on how good a player is at assessing the importance of cards.

Powerbase: Montreal

Powerbase: Montreal
played in 297 decks, typically 1 copy

A good bloat device that generates one pool per turn at no cost. It is a no-brainer in decks able to defend it. It can also be a useful bargaining chip when dealing with other Methusalahs, as it can easily be borrowed as part of a deal.

Pentex™ Subversion

Pentex™ Subversion
played in 294 decks, typically 1-2 copies

Before its errata in September 2020, Pentex was the most played Master card in all decks. It is still powerful though: disabling a specific minion of the prey can be key to victory in many decks.

Information Highway

Information Highway
played in 282 decks, typically 1-3 copies

An excellent crypt accelerator at no cost, it is played both with big capacity crypts, but also with weenie crypts at 1-2 capacity to make it possible to draw and get out a vampire in a single turn. Even if it is Unique, some decks include it in multiple copies to improve their chances to draw it early on.

The Coven

The Coven
played in 179 decks, typically 1 copy

A good way to bring some blood back on the table, is it a useful tool against rush and grinder decks. Even if it does not come along so often, the fact that it helps the whole table can really slow down these particular archetypes.

The Rack

The Rack
played in 176 decks, typically 1 copy

One of the best tool available to bring some blood back on a vampire, it works beautifully with Blood Doll or Vessel. It needs to be defended to be kept in play, but such a good blood generator at no cost is a bargain.

The Parthenon

The Parthenon
played in 175 decks, typically 1-4 copies

A useful tool as it enables the play of more Master cards at no cost, it can be combined with vampires providing yet another Master action: Anson, Nana Buruku, Cybele, Huitzilopochtli or Isanwayen.

Archon Investigation

Archon Investigation
played in 173 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A dreadful deterrent against too powerful bleeders. A must have for decks who do not have access to bounces, it can be included in virtually any deck just to discourage the 6-7 bleed scores d or r can achieve.


played in 423 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A key card for combat heavy decks, usually used on the prey's minions, it provides excellent pool damage. The fact that it is Unique means it can not easily be abused, though.

Monastery of Shadows

Monastery of Shadows
played in 171 decks, typically 1 copy

A costly but efficient location. The stealth can make the difference between life or death for the prey, and the bonus hand size is nothing to frown upon. It is a little bit better in decks using Parity Shift as it can get the pool down just enough to be able to play the vote against one's prey.

Ashur Tablets

Ashur Tablets
played in 170 decks, typically 6-12 copies

It is a decent bloating device but its key ability is to allow some recursion in the deck. Played in conjunction with some cards adding Master actions, it becomes tremendously efficient. Since its nerf in 2024, it is played in less copies overall, since you can only play one per turn.

Smiling Jack, The Anarch

Smiling Jack, The Anarch
played in 147 decks, typically 1-2 copies

This is a good damage dealing option for wall decks. As they tend to be low on pool damage, this helps them ousting the table in timely fashion.

Jake Washington

Jake Washington
played in 147 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A good way to bring back some blood on a vampire, it can also provide protection by blocking an action and is a key combination with War Ghoul.

Secure Haven

Secure Haven
played in 128 decks, typically 1-2 copies

Although Unique, it is a solid counter against rush decks. Other options are required to really defend against them as this can only protect one vampire, but this is still a vampire one would not take down easily.


played in 121 decks, typically 1-2 copies

Countering Master cards is often useful: the best move is to counter a bloat card like Villein, which is equivalent to a serious bleed. Other powerful Master cards can be countered this way too.

Anarch Troublemaker

Anarch Troublemaker
played in 113 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A powerful tool for powerbleed constructs. Its ability to destroy an equipment can be useful, but it is mostly included for its ability to lock vampires, and it is a key card for bleed decks without stealth.

Zillah's Valley

Zillah's Valley
played in 106 decks, typically 3-7 copies

An excellent crypt accelerator provided one has big capacity vampires and enough pool to use it. It is a very good combination with Villein, but also helps get some pool out fast to play a Parity Shift on one's prey.


played in 105 decks, typically 1-2 copies

An easy way to get some pool back on a vampire at no cost. Many actions go through unblocked and unreacted to, so it tends to bring a pool back on the vampire at least every other turn.

The Barrens

The Barrens
played in 105 decks, typically 1 copy

Although not as versatile as Dreams of the Sphinx, it is a good additional tool to help card rotation at no cost.

Blood Doll

Blood Doll
played in 104 decks, typically 1-4 copies

Similar to Vessel in its effect, it is not a Trifle, so it does not fit in all decks depending on the number of Master cards. Even if it can be destroyed by a Vessel, it is immediately usable when played and costs zero pool.


played in 87 decks, typically 4-8 copies

A good bloat device, its discard effect is a bummer. However, used in conjunction with Ashur Tablets or Sudario Refraction, it becomes bearable. Its use has declined since the Emerald Legionnaire nerf in 2024.

Sudden Reversal

Sudden Reversal
played in 86 decks, typically 1-2 copies

Similar to Wash, it is not a Trifle but, on the other hand, it does not let the target play another Master, so it is a bit more efficient for stopping a bloat.


played in 83 decks, typically 1 copy

Basically a better Hunting Ground for those relying heavily on Princes, Barons or Archbishops. Definitely worth including when the crypt fits.

Metro Underground

Metro Underground
played in 61 decks, typically 1 copy

A considerable A&B enhancer, the 1 pool cost can be worth it, especially if the vampire so unlocked can bounce some bleeds away with Deflection.

Golconda: Inner Peace

Golconda: Inner Peace
played in 61 decks, typically 1-2 copies

Although loosing a vampire is a steep price to pay, this is the highest bloat possible. Played on a 10 or 11 capacity vampire, that's a lot of pool, moreover if Minion Tap has been played on the vampire the turn before. It can also be played for pool damage on the prey.

Creepshow Casino

Creepshow Casino
played in 60 decks, typically 1 copy

A nice stealth enhancer, especially useful for political decks.


played in 58 decks, typically 2-4 copies

Previously reserved to very nich builds, it knows a growing success with the arrival of in-clan "three-ways" like The Platinum Protocol or Break the Bonds. The blood or unlock choice is very adaptable.

KRCG News Radio

KRCG News Radio
played in 58 decks, typically 1 copy

A good permanent intercept card at a decent price, it can even be used to help another player. As it is Unique, other locations can be included along it to improve intercept, in order of frequency WMRH Talk Radio, Channel 10, The Rumor Mill and Wall Street Night.

Heidelberg Castle, Germany

Heidelberg Castle, Germany
played in 56 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A unique effect, exceptional when stealing opposing vampires with Puppet Master or similar cards, but also worth it just for using some key equipments or retainers like bleed enhancers multiple times per turn.

Effective Management

Effective Management
played in 55 decks, typically 1-5 copies

A must-have in fast-paced builds aiming at influencing more than 4 vampires, often seen alongside Information Highway.

Haven Uncovered

Haven Uncovered
played in 51 decks, typically 1-5 copies

Broader than a rush action like Bum's Rush, it lets all the minions rush the target. This is a good way to overwhelm a defensive module, plus it takes an action to remove, slowing down the opponent. A good addition to Fame.