This section explores Vampire: the Eternal Struggle strategy in some details.
The Basic Strategy section explains everything one needs to know to reach tournament-level play. The Advanced Strategy section is destined to seasoned players: the articles are contributions written by prominent players all over the world.
Basic Strategy
- Blood, Pool and Grinding Beads by Paul Jones
- Combat Primer by Krzystof Karski
- Guide for MTG Players
- What Should I Buy?
Advanced Strategy
- The Game of the Game by Mark Loughman
- Playing Montano Baltimore Purge by Rudolf Scholz
- Playing Tupdogs & Nephandus by Tommi Hakomaa
- Combat Modules
Black Chantry pre-constructed decks guides
- Den of Fiends
- Libertine Ball
- Pact with Nephandi
- Parliament of Shadows
- First Blood: Ventrue
- First Blood: Malkavian
- First Blood: Nosferatu
- First Blood: Toreador
- First Blood: Tremere
- V5: Ventrue
- V5: Malkavian
- V5: Nosferatu
- V5: Toreador
- V5: Tremere
- V5: Banu Haqim
- V5: Brujah
- V5: Gangrel
- V5: Ministry
- V5: Ravnos
- V5: Salubri
- V5: Tzimisce