c Salubri (Legacy)

This list is compiled from statistics encompassing 30 years, as the legacy clan has not scored enough wins in the last 5 years for relevant statistics otherwise.

New V5 Salubri have dfa as clan disciplines. You can check out their best cards on the Salubri page.

The legacy Salubri are a rare sight in tournaments. They have the unique Obeah b discipline. They are seen in mainly two archetypes: Saulot Wall, a wall deck featuring Saulot, The Wanderer, and Spirit Marionette, using b and the eponymous Spirit Marionette.


played in 49 decks, typically 2-4 copies

A good stealth modifier that can become permanent. An excellent way for Salubri to bump up their game as they do not have access to many other stealth enhancer given their clan disciplines.

Spirit Marionette

Spirit Marionette
played in 45 decks, typically 4-10 copies

An iconic card of the b discipline, it has brought up an archetype of its own. Stealing an opponent minion is always good, the central issue is to abuse, cripple or destroy it afterwards.

Gift of Sleep

Gift of Sleep
played in 40 decks, typically 1-4 copies

A second stealth enhancer, still at no cost, a good card for B.

Renewed Vigor

Renewed Vigor
played in 38 decks, typically 3-7 copies

Bringing back any big capacity vampire to full capacity is a good way to bloat, but also a useful bargaining chip to barter for big favors or even a game-changer. This is the only card of the game allowing this along Giant's Blood.

Anesthetic Touch

Anesthetic Touch
played in 35 decks, typically 4-9 copies

An excellent combat ends at superior B, it is a bit weak at inferior b. The fact that it's still a hand strike makes it a good counter to Immortal Grapple.

Saulot, The Wanderer

Saulot, The Wanderer
played in 31 decks, typically 3-5 copies

Star of the Salubri clan, Saulot has both B and L at superior, along a nice set of disciplines. His abilities are also impressive.


played in 18 decks, typically 2-4 copies

A solid blocker with his permanent intercept at a very decent cost.

Neutral Guard

Neutral Guard
played in 17 decks, typically 2-4 copies

A solid block denial at superior B, especially for a high capacity vampire like Saulot, The Wanderer.