Q Harbingers of Skulls

The Harbingers of Skulls have excellent vampires with outstanding abilities. They grew increasingly popular since the release of the Lost Kindred expansion in 2018, and the apparition of the excellent Emerald Legionnaire, giving birth to the Emerald Legion archetype. It was so successful the card got errated in 2024, to limit its power.

Emerald Legionnaire

Emerald Legionnaire
played in 54 decks, typically 7-13 copies

Once the best ally of the game and cornester of the top-tier Emerald Legion archetype, its recent nerf (2024) has signed its rapid decline.

Babalawo Alafin

Babalawo Alafin
played in 22 decks, typically 1-3 copies

All clan disciplines NAF at superior for a decent 7 pool, his ability is useful for card rotation, but also as a way to get more cards in the ash heap to pay for the Emerald Legionnaire (when it was still a thing).

Solomon Batanea

Solomon Batanea
played in 22 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A cheap cost for the AF combination – he even gets included in Ventrue antitribu decks.


played in 20 decks, typically 3-5 copies

A unique ability, which made him the typical Emerald Legion leader back in the days. He stays a strong vampire overall.

Acheron Vortex

Acheron Vortex
played in 15 decks, typically 2-5 copies

A unique ability, which made him the typical leader back in the days. He stays a strong vampire overall.

Vengeful Spirit

Vengeful Spirit
played in 15 decks, typically 2-4 copies

A unique ability, which made him the typical leader back in the days. He stays a strong vampire overall.

Mordechai Ben-Nun

Mordechai Ben-Nun
played in 15 decks, typically 1-3 copies

Combining A with a permanent intercept bonus makes for a great sidekick.


played in 12 decks, typically 2-4 copies

Star of the Harbinger, his stupendous strength makes him the ideal blocker.

Shaal Fragment

Shaal Fragment
played in 10 decks, typically 1 copy

A cheap Hand Size enhancer unique to Harbingers, a no-brainer.

Erebus Mask

Erebus Mask
played in 9 decks, typically 1 copy

Only 1 pool for permanent stealth, this is a bargain.

The Capuchin

The Capuchin
played in 9 decks, typically 3-6 copies

Often seen in company with Saulot, The Wanderer as they both have AFT, he is also a good star vampire in Harbingers decks.


played in 9 decks, typically 1-3 copies

A cheap recursion device, although it has to be defended. The ability to fetch the right card for the lunge can be game changing.