Blood Sorcery
offers a wide range of options. A bit of stealth, solid combat options including blood theft effects, and some unique effects.

Magic of the Smith
played in 73 decks,
typically 2-4 copies
A rare effect in the game, the ability to fetch any equipment in the library is very strong. The +3 stealth bonus at superior
makes it very hard to block. Some decks use for this card only.
Mirror Walk
played in 69 decks,
typically 3-8 copies
A good stealth enhancer, the only one available in
. Its combat avoidance effect at superior can come in handy, and jam the hand of combat-heavy blockers.
Rego Motum
played in 59 decks,
typically 2-4 copies
A great prevention card, even if not as powerful as Rolling With the Punches.

Theft of Vitae
played in 38 decks,
typically 4-8 copies
An excellent combat card: as it steals blood there is no damage to prevent, and at the end of the round it is a 4 blood difference between the two vampires, at no cost. Of course, Banu Haqim n will prefer the handier Hunger of Marduk that lets do the same with additional strikes.

Rutor's Hand
played in 73 decks,
typically 1-3 copies
An expensive but powerful device to augment A&B. Its cost did not prevent it to be played in many decks, if only as an option.

Hunter's Mark
played in 26 decks,
typically 3-7 copies
A nice rush action, especially if it does not get blocked or you can support it with a bit of stealth like Resist Earth's Grasp or simply using if you are Banu Haqim n.

played in 16 decks,
typically 3-6 copies
A very versatile combat device: maneuver or press at no cost is a great tool. Not on the same level as though, so more of a Tremere u thing.

Blood Rage
played in 15 decks,
typically 1-3 copies
An interesting strike, useful both against Fortitude
and gun-based combat modules.
Walk of Flame
played in 11 decks,
typically 1-2 copies
A typical Blood Sorcery
strike: even though it usually needs a second round to land, ranged aggravated ramage is strong enough to justify its inclusion in some decks.