M Gangrel Antitribu

The Gangrel Antiribu, with their jco disciplines, are versatile and can fight as well as bleed. They are particularily fear for their Enkidu Multirush archetype.

Aksinya Daclau

Aksinya Daclau
played in 19 decks, typically 2-4 copies

Her unique ability makes for a solid bleed defense worth her cost all by itself. She is a key member of the Girls Will Find Inner Circle crypt.

Hartmut Stover

Hartmut Stover
played in 18 decks, typically 1-3 copies

A good voter, often seen alongside Stanislava.

Joseph Fischer

Joseph Fischer
played in 13 decks, typically 1 copy

A cheap anarch with suprior J, that gets him in some Anarch crypt.

Enkidu, The Noah

Enkidu, The Noah
played in 11 decks, typically 2-5 copies

Star of the clan and brutal fighter, he has his own archetype, Enkidu Multirush


played in 10 decks, typically 1 copy

A great voter, also a good friend of Stanislava.

Twisted Forest

Twisted Forest
played in 5 decks, typically 1 copy

A nice stealth location at a normal price.

Sébastien Goulet

Sébastien Goulet
played in 4 decks, typically 2-4 copies

Leader of the Shadow Court Satyrs archetype, he gets even better when merged with his advanced version.

Shadow Court Satyr

Shadow Court Satyr
played in 3 decks, typically 7-10 copies

A special ally, they have their own archetype and are usually recruited by Sébastien Goulet