v Ventrue

The Ventrue with rdf and their antitribu with adf have powerful disciplines and abilities. They are a prominent clan in tournaments and are seen in a number of Archetypes:

Neighbor John

Neighbor John
played in 94 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A with a permanent intercept bonus for just 5 pool, he finds his place in many A crypts, including in non-Ventrue toolbox and wall decks.

Jephta Hester

Jephta Hester
played in 88 decks, typically 1 copy

A cheap cost for the FD combination, she often gets included alongside Neighbor John.

Ventrue Headquarters

Ventrue Headquarters
played in 85 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A powerful edge for Ventrue political decks, it often gets included if there is the slightest chance some additional votes can come in handy, even defensively.

Owain Evans, The Wanderer

Owain Evans, The Wanderer
played in 77 decks, typically 2-3 copies

All clan disciplines ADF at superior for a decent cost, he also has a convenient ability. It is used to get some blood on the owner vampires, but can also be a bargaining chip with the other players.

Ulrike Rothbart

Ulrike Rothbart
played in 76 decks, typically 1 copy

A cheap cost for fd, she often gets included alongside Jephta Hester and Neighbor John.

Blackhorse Tanner

Blackhorse Tanner
played in 76 decks, typically 1-2 copies

All clan disciplines ADF at superior for a reasonable 7 pool, he also has a good ability for card rotation. He often gets included algonside Owain Evans.

Graham Gottesman

Graham Gottesman
played in 65 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A cheap Prince in group 5, he finds his place in many political decks.

Jefferson Foster

Jefferson Foster
played in 66 decks, typically 1 copy

A good disciplines combination for 6 pool, he finds his place in many Ventre antitribu crypts.

Victor Pelletier

Victor Pelletier
played in 63 decks, typically 1-2 copies

Superior R with an ability that easily let him get some votes, he is an easy inclusion in any R based deck.


played in 57 decks, typically 1-5 copies

The infamous Ventrue Inner Circle, her ability and access to DO gets her included in many Inner Circle constructs, like in the Council of Doom or The Dark Side of Politics archetypes.

Mustafa, The Heir

Mustafa, The Heir
played in 56 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A cheap Prince in group 4 with good disciplines, he gets included in many political decks.

Lana Butcher

Lana Butcher
played in 54 decks, typically 1 copy

A cheap cost for df, she gets included in many Ventrue and Ventrue antitribu decks.

Lodin (Olaf Holte)

Lodin (Olaf Holte)
played in 51 decks, typically 1-3 copies

Star of the modern variant of the Gentlemen With Sticks archetype, he has all clan disciplines at superior DRF and his ability to prevent damage makes him quite sturdy.

Marcus Vitel

Marcus Vitel
played in 49 decks, typically 1-3 copies

Although he is a bit pricey, his title and access to DO, and in some cases £, gets him included in many crypts.

Emily Carson

Emily Carson
played in 46 decks, typically 1 copy

A decent 5 pool for superior D, she still has f and her unlock ability can be useful.

Victor Donaldson

Victor Donaldson
played in 45 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A cheap Prince in group 5, with superior D, he easily gets included in Gentlemen With Sticks decks.