
Top Tier

Here is a list of the best Vampire: the Eternal Struggle deck archetypes. Every archetype is presented with Tournament Winning Deck Archive (TWDA) deck list examples, main variations, and a play guide.

Only archetypes having proven themselves against at least 20 players twice in the last 3 years are taken into account, and only if one of these wins is a Continental Championship or if they have at least four wins. Example decklists are the most recent Continental Championship win, National win otherwise, or just the latest win. Decks relying heavily on mechanics that have since been errated are not included.

The starred ⭐️ archetypes have score over 50% more wins than any other: they can be considered as the current "top dogs".

Please note that this list is built purely on TWDA statistics: more than a third of tournaments wins are achieved with unrelated decks.

⭐️ Gangrel Thing (Wall)
Govern Resistance (Toolbox)
⭐️ Haqim Royalty (Toolbox)
⭐️ Illegal Brawl (Rush / Toolbox)
Living Museum (Stealth & Bleed)
Lutz Politics (Vote & Bleed)
Malk' 22 (Stealth & Bleed)
Mistress (Vote & Bleed)
Nephandii (Allies Swarm)
⭐️ Platinum Revelation (Stealth & Bleed)
Princess Toolbox (Toolbox)
Ravnos Bonds (Stealth & Bleed)
Stanislava (Vote & Bleed)
The unnamed (Stealth & Bleed)
Tupdogs (Rush)


These archetypes are not currently top tier, but they have potential. They have either been successful in the past, or have recently gotten some victories in tournaments. Keep an eye out for them, tinker and experiment to reveal their full potential.

Capuchin Toolbox (Toolbox)
Dementation Bleed (Stealth & Bleed)
Forced Ball (Vote)
Infernal Barons (Vote)
Lasombra Nocturn (Stealth & Bleed)
Protean Barons (Toolbox)

New Kids

These archetypes are new (or unearthed) decks that have been noticed in tournaments. If they make this list, it's usually because they performed, surprised, or showed potential.

They usually have a single victory to their account, but they might just need your personal touch or a bit of exposure to become the next big hit.

Baron Debate (Wall)
Kalinda (Stealth & Bleed)
Malkarishat (Vote)
Piper War Ghoul '24 (Rush)
Salubri Powerbleed (Powerbleed)
Thucimia (Stealth & Bleed)


For your enjoyment, you'll find here a collection of archetypes that did not make it to the previous lists, but are still very much viable.

If you know of a decklist you'd like to see included, please reach out on the V:TES Discord.

You can also consult other archetypes list, like the « Bibliodèque »: a French project with more than a hundred decklists, the project history is on the French VEKN Forum and the final decklists with proxies on Google Drive.

Another list of archetypes is maintained on the VTES One blog.

Akunanse Toolbox (Toolbox)
Amaravati Politics (Swarm Vote)
Animals (Toolbox)
Anson Guns (Toolbox)
Anti Ventrue Grinder (Toolbox)
Baltimore Purge (Combo)
Banu Politics (Vote)
Bima Dominate (Allies)
Black Hand (Swarm Bleed)
Blind Spot (Powerbleed)
Cats (Wall)
Chameleon (Combo)
Council of Doom (Vote & Bleed)
Cybelotron (Combo)
Daughters Politics (Swarm Vote)
DBR (Rush)
Death Star (Vote)
Dementation Bleed (Stealth & Bleed)
Dmitri's Big Band (Toolbox)
Emerald Legion (Toolbox)
Enkidu Multirush (Rush)
Euro Brujah (Toolbox)
Fear Factor (Wall)
Gentlemen With Sticks (Toolbox)
Ghede Typhonic Beast (Rush)
Giovanni Powerbleed (Powerbleed)
Girls Will Find Inner Circle (Stealth & Bleed)
Goratrix High Tower (Wall)
Guillaume Real Estate (Stealth & Bleed)
Guruhi Rush (Rush)
Hesha's Emporium (Powerbleed)
Hunters (Toolbox)
Infernal Princes (Vote)
Ishtarri Politics (Vote)
Khazar's Diary (Swarm)
Kiasyd Stealth & Bleed (Stealth & Bleed)
Legacy of Pander (Swarm Vote)
Madness Reversal (Special)
Malgorzata (Toolbox)
Malk' 94 (Stealth & Bleed)
Mind Rape (Wall)
MMPA Politics (Vote & Bleed)
Nananimalism (Rush)
Nosferatu Royalty (Toolbox)
Palla Grande (Rush)
Parliament of Shadows (Rush)
Rachel Madness (Stealth & Bleed)
Ravnos Clown Car (Swarm)
Rebekka / Jost (Powerbleed)
Reign of Lasombra (Vote & Bleed)
Renegade Assault (Allies Rush)
Samedi Bleed (Stealth & Bleed)
Saulot Wall (Wall)
Savannah Salt (Swarm)
Scout (Vote)
Shadow Court Satyrs (Allies Toolbox)
Shalmath History (Toolbox)
Shambling Hordes (Rush)
Spell of Life (Allies)
Spirit Marionette (Lock & Bleed)
Tariq Eats the World (Wall)
The Bleeding Vignes (Powerbleed)
The Dark Side of Politics (Vote)
Tunnel Runners (Allies)
Tzimisce Toolbox (Rush)
War Ghouls (Allies Rush)
Weenie AUS (Wall)
Weenie DOM (Swarm Bleed)