No discipline

On the Qui Vive
played in 510 decks,
typically 2-4 copies
Wake reaction cards are played in most decks. This one has no requirement, no cost and is immediately replaced, plus it can be used by allies. However, it may need to be complemented by other wakes because of its once per turn limit.

Heart of Nizchetus
played in 299 decks,
typically 1-2 copies
A cheap way to ensure an optimal card rotation throughout the game. It has no direct effect on the table so it is often overlooked, even though the fluidity it confers is a sure path to victory.

Delaying Tactics
played in 266 decks,
typically 1-3 copies
A very widespread defence against political actions. The action can still be performed again a turn later, but breaking a predator's lunge or preventing a prey's Consanguineous Boon can make a win. It is best used after the vote has taken place.

Taste of Vitae
played in 180 decks,
typically 3-6 copies
An excellent tool for bloating, it is often seen in rush decks. Played efficiently, it helps leech with cards like Minion Tap or Blood Doll.

Carlton Van Wyk
played in 163 decks,
typically 1 copy
By far the most played ally of the game, he is an excellent blocker for a cheap price. An excellent addition in virtually any deck. Its combat ability makes him quite hard to take down and his existence alone is a deterrent to diablery, as he can be put into play to destroy the diabolist the next turn.

Enkil Cog
played in 158 decks,
typically 1-3 copies
A permanent bleed boost at no cost, it allows acting during other players turns: at the end of the predator turn to stay unlocked, or during the prey turn to bleed hard whithout fear of Archon Investigation. With a way to unlock the vampire, it lets a minion bleed twice in consecutive turns.

Ivory Bow
played in 133 decks,
typically 1 copy
It provides a deadly aggravated strike at any range for just one pool and is therefore the most cost-effective weapon of the game. Any deck expecting actual combat can play it.

The Unmasking
played in 107 decks,
typically 1-3 copies
A key card to ally-oriented decks, it transforms any ally setup into a very cumbersome wall. An overall intercept bonus at no cost is already good, plus being an event makes it hard to remove from the table.

Aranthebes, The Immortal
played in 96 decks,
typically 1 copy
A cheap permanent intercept device, although affecting only the predator. As a bonus, it can have a devastative effect against weenie constructs.

Mr. Winthrop
played in 95 decks,
typically 1 copy
Permanent intercept bonus at no cost, it is a good addition in any deck packing a defensive module with some intercept.

.44 Magnum
played in 90 decks,
typically 1-6 copies
The optional maneuver make it a cost-efficient option when it comes to weapons. It is often combined with
for maximum efficiency as it is not limited to a single strike per round or combat: additional strikes transform this weapon into a real tool of destruction.
Sniper Rifle
played in 90 decks,
typically 1-3 copies
An excellent option for decks with good intercept capabilities, it makes blocks more threatening and keep closed combat modules at range, excellent for grinding.

Scourge of the Enochians
played in 88 decks,
typically 1 copy
A death sentence for breed decks at no cost, it is often included in slow decks that have difficulties to cope with the overwhelming numbers of minions produced by decks creating newborn vampires with cards like The Embrace.

Target Vitals
played in 85 decks,
typically 3-7 copies
An excellent combat option, it usually gets through against deck with no heavy combat module. A single aggravated damage can even become three and burn a vampire. Because any minion can use it, it is also included in ally oriented decks.

Narrow Minds
played in 75 decks,
typically 1 copy
An easy way to hinder bounce defense relying on cards like Deflection or Telepathic Misdirection, especially for those who do not bounce themselves.

Mylan Horseed
played in 70 decks,
typically 1 copy
Played in decks with non-Camarilla big capacity vampires, it is a straight-up boost in A&B for just one pool. Hard to block and hard to destroy in combat, he is safe in many situations.

FBI Special Affairs Division
played in 54 decks,
typically 1 copy
It is a good deterrent and help keep allies alive, but is only worth playing if the allies have a good chance to block vampires and is therefore always accompanied by The Unmasking.

Forced Awakening
played in 54 decks,
typically 1-4 copies
Yet another wake, this one is replaced but can cost a bit of blood. It can be a good complement or alternative to On the Qui Vive and Wake with Evening's Freshness.

Concealed Weapon
played in 52 decks,
typically 3-8 copies
An excellent way to get a weapon without risking an action that could be blocked, it is most often associated with .44 Magnum.

Kevlar Vest
played in 51 decks,
typically 1 copy
A nice defensive equipment, particularly efficient against .44 Magnum and Sniper Rifle, the two most widespread weapons.

played in 51 decks,
typically 1 copy
A good tool for pool damage for combat-oriented decks. The hand size diminution is acceptable if it means dealing 2 or 3 damages per turn to the prey. However, it can have detrimental effects on cross-table allies if played carelessly.

Wake with Evening's Freshness
played in 46 decks,
typically 1-4 copies
Although only usable by a vampire and not replaced until the next turn, it has the advantage to be playable multiple times, so it is a good complement to the more common On the Qui Vive.

Bum's Rush
played in 44 decks,
typically 1-6 copies
The eponymous card of rush decks, it allows for direct combat against any minion, with the nice bonus of a maneuver to control the range a bit. Some disciplines have better alternatives, like Deep Song, but otherwise it is a go-to card for combat-oriented decks.
The Uncoiling
played in 36 decks,
typically 1 copy
A neat inclusion when the most widespread events Scourge of the Enochians or The Unmasking are very detrimental to the deck.

played in 36 decks,
typically 1 copy
He is a good rusher open to all decks. Hard to block, he can pick his targets for maximum effects. Starting with 4 life, he often goes up to more. His ability lets him dispose of young vampire without good defensive options: a little pricey to be just a buffer in front of a rush deck, he becomes invaluable against weenie decks.

Weighted Walking Stick
played in 35 decks,
typically 3-6 copies
An efficient weapon at no cost, requiring no action to equip, it is a good alternative for toolbox decks not much specialized in combat. Often played in association with
for damage prevention.
Sport Bike
played in 33 decks,
typically 1-2 copies
Free permanent intercept for anyone, its 1 pool cost makes it less desireable than Mr. Winthrop or Bowl of Convergence, but it is not unique and can add yet another source of intercept for those who do not have for Raven Spy.

The Bitter and Sweet Story
played in 31 decks,
typically 1 copy
A good inclusion for fast-paced Bleed decks, when one can count on being the first Methuselah to benefit from it. It can provide just the additional steam one needs to finish a table.