H Brujah Antitribu

This list is compiled from statistics encompassing 30 years, as the clan has not scored enough wins in the last 5 years for relevant statistics otherwise.

Brujah Antitribu, with their rpc disciplines, are good fighters, but they also have a knack for politics.

Waste Management Operation

Waste Management Operation
played in 43 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A unique recursion effect, that can be absolutely brutal in the end game when reaching the bottom of the deck.

Sarah Brando

Sarah Brando
played in 38 decks, typically 1-2 copies

The cheapest C pool can buy, with a negligible drawback. She finds a spot in many decks.

Gang Territory

Gang Territory
played in 26 decks, typically 1-2 copies

Nice pool generator when playing the clan all by itself

Armin Brenner

Armin Brenner
played in 25 decks, typically 2-4 copies

Start of political builds, his ability is a nice bloat, and he can Forced March as well as use o for a bit of stealth.


played in 21 decks, typically 1-3 copies

A nice title, terrifying combat ability, and f that lets him Forced March.

Richter, The Templar of Du Mont

Richter, The Templar of Du Mont
played in 17 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A good fighter for a decent cost, with a nice strength bonus. Having f alongside PC allows for unlock as well as damage prevention, that allows him to enter quite a few decks.

Henry Taylor

Henry Taylor
played in 14 decks, typically 1-6 copies

Superior P with an interesting unique ability. Combined with Waste Management Operation, he can star a "twister" deck that plays mostly with selected cards from the ash heap after having quickly expended the library.


played in 11 decks, typically 1-2 copies

All clan disciplines at superior with a low-key rush ability that can be useful. Solid fighter.

Dark Selina

Dark Selina
played in 10 decks, typically 1-3 copies

A great inclusion in political decks, she can use Forced March and even has d for Deflection.

Dogs of War

Dogs of War
played in 8 decks, typically 2-5 copies

An interesting vote for the clan, often prone to fight hard given their disciplines.