provides good stealth, wraith allies, and tactical combat options. As it is still a new disciplines, there are no statistics for it yet.

Arms of Ahriman
New card
A versatile combat card that can be used for a bit of defense at superior
Consign to Oblivion
New card
An interesting modifier making bounces like Deflection more expensive, and unlocks like Organized Resistance an unappealing gamble. It is expensive though.

Pass Through Shadow
New card
A super combat ends that also provides some stealth later at superior
Shroud of Decay
New card
An interesting pool damage device. At superior
, it's like a bleed that cannot be bounced.
Shadow Cast
New card
A base stealth tool for
, it can be played in numbers because the superior effect can be used to avoid jamming the hand.
Shadow Cloak
New card
The other shadow stealth, even easier to cycle, although the remanent effect is a bit weaker.

Shadow Sentinel
New card
A great wake, that can even be used on allies.

Spectral Servitor
New card
A nice low-key servitor, reminiscent of the old Nocturn, but a step above. He can bleed or defend and, if he is useful, he can even be kept.

Stygian Shroud
New card
A clean block denial, that is always very strong.

Touch of Oblivion
New card
An expensive but scary strike. Both levels can be interesting depending on the situation.

Truth in Darkness
New card
A decent intercept card, especially for Lasombra w since they do not have access to Auspex .

Where the Veil Thins
New card
A nice stealth modifier, especially against allies.