d Dominate

d is the most played discipline of the game. It provides an excellent bleed module, good bloat and the best bounce in the game. More than a third of winning decks use this discipline.


played in 293 decks, typically 3-7 copies

It is the best bounce of the game. At superior D, it can be chained multiple times by the same vampire, an incredibly effective defence against even the most severe bleed constructs.

Govern the Unaligned

Govern the Unaligned
played in 209 decks, typically 5-13 copies

An incredibly versatile tool, it helps getting more vampires out for cheap in the beginning of the game, and provides an excruciating bleed later on.


played in 193 decks, typically 2-6 copies

It is the best bleed modifier of the game, and can be associated with Govern the Unaligned for a 6-pool bleed. The ability to use this modifier only after blocks have been declined makes it superior to bleed actions. The 1 blood cost is a bargain.

Foreshadowing Destruction

Foreshadowing Destruction
played in 103 decks, typically 1-3 copies

An excellent lunge device, it has the same pool damage as a Conditioning at no cost, provided the prey is low enough in pool. Having both modifiers in hand can also be a good way to get around a Direct Intervention, as the modifier countered this way cannot be played again during the same action, but the other can.


played in 92 decks, typically 2-5 copies

An excellent block denial modifier. Well targeted, it can be enough to get a bleed through unopposed. Combined with another block denial modifier, it allows for a pure block denial module that can be used to get actions through without even bothering to use stealth.


played in 78 decks, typically 2-5 copies

Clearly it dos not have the same impact as Conditioning in terms of pool damage, but the +1 stealth is invaluable for decks with no alternative discipline for stealth.


played in 55 decks, typically 2-8 copies

A strong defensive tool for high capacity vampires, it can even escape Immortal Grapple combat modules.

Murmur of the False Will

Murmur of the False Will
played in 49 decks, typically 1-4 copies

Another high capacity vampire tool, this one is all about adaptability: additional bounces just in case, but not jamming your hand if your predator is not bleeding. A nice complement to Deflection .


played in 173 decks, typically 1-4 copies

An alternative to Deflection at no cost, it is only used when D is vastly prevalent in the crypt. Even then, Deflection is still often preferred because the minion does not lock.


played in 28 decks, typically 1-6 copies

A shrewd card allowing to steal opponents vampires, provided you manage to send them to torpor first. It is common in d capable combat decks, like Malgorzata or Tupdogs.

Dominate Kine

Dominate Kine
played in 27 decks, typically 1-2 copies

Expensive for a bleed, but stealing a good location, for example a Hunting Ground, can be very neat.

Far Mastery

Far Mastery
played in 22 decks, typically 1 copy

An excellent action to get rid of cumbersome allies. The 1 blood cost is a bargain.