x Ravnos

V5 Ravnos are now Anarch and have roi as clan disciplines. They have strong stealth & bleed archetypes like .

Legacy Ravnos b are independant and have Chimerstry k as clan discipline: check their best cards out on the Ravnos (Legacy) page.

The new Ravnos and their unique k discipline are a versatile clan. They gave birth to a successful political archetype, the Ravnos Clown Car. Otherwise, k alone makes for easy stealth bleeds with extra resilience against bounces and combat.

Week of Nightmares

Week of Nightmares
played in 27 decks, typically 1-2 copies

The best bonus Ravnos can get, it is played in many Ravnos decks, often as the finishing move. As the downside is quite ugly, it is important to make sure the game will end before the ten counters are stacked on the card.

Fortune Teller Shop

Fortune Teller Shop
played in 19 decks, typically 1 copy

Permanent stealth is always good. The cost is steeper than Ministry's r Opium Den, but still worth it.


played in 19 decks, typically 1-2 copies

Cheap Ro is desireable for bleed actions and modifiers like Visions of Gehenna, the potential stealth ability is neat too.

Doc Martina

Doc Martina
played in 19 decks, typically 1-2 copies

Cheap Or is slightly less good than the opposite, but more stealth can be handy. Her ability is useful, even cross-table, to resist opposing combat decks.


played in 16 decks, typically 1-2 copies

The best disciplines at superior, and a great defensive ability. What's not to like?


played in 16 decks, typically 1 copy

A cheap strong bleeder, nicely complementing other Ravnos in the crypt.


played in 15 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A strong Ravnos leader. Her cycling ability combined to the bleed bonus largely compensate her cost.

Visions of Gehenna

Visions of Gehenna
played in 15 decks, typically 4-9 copies

This relatively new (2024) bleed enhancer, costless, immediately propulsed V5 Ravnos near the top of the stealth & bleed ladder.

Treasured Samadji

Treasured Samadji
played in 13 decks, typically 1 copy

An excellent equipment, a cheap permanent blede bonus with an included combat defense.

Luciano Carvalho

Luciano Carvalho
played in 12 decks, typically 1-2 copies

Because he lacks superior R, he's not always included. But his interesting ability is desireable in more toolboxy builds, where passing around Raven Spy or Feral Hound can be useful.

Shilmulo Tarot

Shilmulo Tarot
played in 10 decks, typically 1-2 copies

A superb cycling device, close to the ubiquitous Heart Of Nizchetus in effect and power, but reserved to the Ravnos clan.

Trung Chau Pham

Trung Chau Pham
played in 8 decks, typically 1-2 copies

Cheap superior Animalism I is always desireable.