b Ravnos (Legacy)

This list is compiled from statistics encompassing 30 years, as the legacy clan has not scored enough wins in the last 5 years for relevant statistics otherwise.

V5 Ravnos are now Anarch and have roi as clan disciplines. Check their best cards out on the Ravnos page.

The legacy Ravnos and their unique k discipline are a versatile clan. They gave birth to a successful political archetype, the Ravnos Clown Car. Otherwise, k alone makes for easy stealth bleeds with extra resilience against bounces and combat.

Mirror Image

Mirror Image
played in 50 decks, typically 3-7 copies

A versatile stealth bonus or combat ends, its 1 blood cost is acceptable.

Sensory Deprivation

Sensory Deprivation
played in 41 decks, typically 2-6 copies

An infamous effect for this expensive action. The threat of it can be an excellent deterrent. With the help of cost reduction cards like The Path of Paradox, Gabrin or The Line, it can become cheap enough to be a recurring threat, too.

Fata Morgana

Fata Morgana
played in 39 decks, typically 4-9 copies

The only bleed enhancer available with k, it is often included in Ravnos decks.


played in 36 decks, typically 3-6 copies

Stealth at no cost, and occasional combat defense, a strong proposition.

Salbatore Bokkengro

Salbatore Bokkengro
played in 36 decks, typically 1-2 copies

Superior K for a decent 4 pool, he gets included in many Ravnos decks.

The Path of Paradox

The Path of Paradox
played in 29 decks, typically 1-4 copies

Given the cost of Chimerstry k cards, this reduction is very desireable.


played in 27 decks, typically 2-4 copies

Star of the clan, his reduction for k card is an exceptional asset in many decks.


played in 25 decks, typically 2-6 copies

An excellent intercept device, particularily at superior K. With just a bit of intercept, it makes passing a potential blocker twice harder. Moreover, it can be used to help an ally anywhere on the table.

Ravnos Carnival

Ravnos Carnival
played in 23 decks, typically 3-7 copies

A great card for swarm builds, since it lets vampires use actions like The Embrace and pay for it with the Carnival.


played in 17 decks, typically 4-11 copies

A cheap alternative to The Embrace, provided on hass vampires with a high enough capacity.

The Eldest Are Kholo

The Eldest Are Kholo
played in 16 decks, typically 9-14 copies

Cornerstone of the Ravnos Clown Car archetype, it allows for a strong swarm politics build.

Mata Hari

Mata Hari
played in 15 decks, typically 2-5 copies

Her unique ability makes her a star in quite a few original decks.