n Tariq Eats the World

(No Name)


Mark Loughman
Free States Rant
Columbus (OH), USA
31 players

Crypt (12)

Library (89)


This is a wall & rush deck starring Tariq, The Silent. His rush ability coupled with superior Auspex A makes him a very efficient combat machine. On top of it, his protection against blood hunt let him play Amaranth without fear, so he can destroy vampires all around the table.

Using Disguised Weapon to fetch an Ivory Bow or a Rowan Ring is usually how Tariq becomes so dreadful. Then his great didscipline help him fight and block with efficiency.

Draught of the Soul make him even stronger as soon as he manages to dispatch a vampire or two.

His sidekicks here field the same core disciplines he does, Aco, to allow to build a very good wall indeed

Tips & Tricks

Getting a Celerity on Tariq makes the combat module shine even more here, allowing for Psyche! to be used to cancel combat ends, but it's not an absolute urgency.


There are great variations in this deck, since the combat module's efficiency greatly depends on the meta.

The Anarch variant allows him to use both Diversion and Guardian Vigil, two excellent cards, like in Łukasz Ho Thanh's deck.

Dropping Celerity c altogether to rely instead on a bit of Fortitude F is also possible, like in Erik Torstensson's deck.

A Tegyrius variant is even more of a wall, using Tegyrius as a star and Fatima as another sidekick, with less Amaranth but more aggravated damage with Taste of Death, as in Marcin Watras's deck.