p Gangrel Thing


This is a wall deck using Gangrel p barons. It builds a strong defense thanks to the Anarch and Baron cards for unlock and intercept, Organized Resistance and Deep Ecology, coupled with Bait and Switch for bounces.

Using Thing, the deck can steadily influence more and more vampires, often ending up with 4 to 6 vampires in play. Influencing a Baron quickly is very important, but it can be the second vampire if a low capacity can be put in play first to speed up the Baron with a Thing, depending on your opening hand.

The number of vampires means naked bleeds provide decent forward pressure. This completes the standard wall payload Smiling Jack and Constant Revolution, and offers some flexibility.

The list presented here uses a couple of Sniper Rifle alongside a good number of Earth Meld as combat module, but there are a lot of possible variations for the combat part of the deck.

Tips & Tricks

Garibaldi‑Meucci Museum is versatile, allowing to fetch the required unlock or bounce. Powerbase: Los Angeles acts as cycling device as well as an additional unlock, since there are so many Anarch cards (note Baron cards implicitly count as cards requiring Anarch), and The Anarch Free Press provides intercept.

Interms of ousting power, the deck relies on small bleeds, with being key to its strategy by doubling the bleed power. Reckless Agitation and Monkey Wrench can be used to lunge, letting the deck switch from a slow grind to a decisive kill in an instant.

Rewilding can damage the prey's pool if they play locations, and can get rid of problematic locations, the prime targets being permanent stealth like Opium Den or Creepshow Casino, and hunting grounds that go against the grinding strategy of the deck.

The combat module mostly uses Earth Meld for more unlocks, but at some point aims at equipping someone with a Sniper Rifle to grind beads out of blocked minions.

The stealth is low but not inexistant, since Form of Mist and Form of the Bat can both be used for stealth if needed.


Revolutionary Council, Anarch Railroad, and Earth Control often find a spot. A bit of aggravated damage with Donnybrook and Claws of the Dead is also common. The number of Thing vary a lot too, and can be doubled or even tripled for more minions. Other options include Double Deuce or Army of Rats for a bit more pool damage, or Shattering for additional control.

The Brutal variant include more aggravated damage and, with the help of Gangrel Revel and Hell For Leather, sometimes even Rötschreck or Flesh of Marble, go for a more punitive combat, like in Édouard Menneson's deck at the 2024 Iberan GP, or Otso Saariluoma's deck at Ropecon in 2023.

The Council Propaganda variant aims at more of a swarm, using Revolutionary Council for the lunge and Consanguineous Boon to bloat, while getting some votes from Propaganda of the Deed. See Jakub Rypar's deck from the 2024 Slovak NC for reference.

The Renegade variant include some Renegade Garou for a bit more control with the rushes, while using more to recoup pool, like in José Roberio Barbosa da Silva's deck at the 2024 SAC.