p Stanislava
This is a stealth vote & bleed deck with Stanislava as a star. She uses Govern the Unaligned to help get other vampires out and Villein is used to get some pool back.
As the game progresses, more big capacity titled vampires get out and begin to perform political actions and bleed, using Form of Mist, Earth Control, and Rapid Change.
for stealth withThe bulk of the vote damage come from Kine Resources Contested, while a few other votes can deliver high damage at the right moment to facilitate the lunge. Forced March, Instantaneous Transformation, and can be used for additional actions, allowing the vampires to bleed and perform a political action in the same turn.
Deflection is used for bleed defense, and provides combat defense with a solid number of combat ends.
Tips & Tricks
Forced March and Instantaneous Transformation are versatile as they can be used both for stealth or additional action. Stanislava can use both, but other vampires in the crypt can use one or the other, and Xaviar can already unlock on a vote all by himself.
can help deliver more bleeds, but might be better on a sidekick rather than Stanislava herself, for fear of an Archon Investigation.
The Seal of Veddartha is an excellent equipment with this crypt, as most vampires miss either or . The +1 bleed bonus is nothing to cast aside either.
The archetype is very much known for Martin Weinmayer's build as he as been very successful with it and retained the top seat in the international classment in the 2010s. The cards proportions may vary a little bit, some like to play some Sense the Savage Way, Vele's Hunt and/or Claws of the Dead. Ecoterrorists is also a common inclusion.
Combat ends are not necessarily the best option, depending on the meta. If Immortal Grapple is a worry, using Obedience or Alpha Glint are solid alternatives.
Some alterations have been seen in the crypt too, like including Iliana or Caitlin, as they have excellent disciplines combination for a low pool, although no title to support the political side of the deck. Janne Lönnqvist's deck from 2016 is a good example.
Older variations of the archetype used to include a good number of Parity Shift, but that was before the 2019 nerf. It is still viable though, as demonstrated by Roberto Mautone Junior.
The Ashur variation, heralded by none other than Martin Weinmayer himself, uses a huge number of Ashur Tablets together with The Parthenon and Liquidation, reminiscent of the Girls Will Find Inner Circle archetype of old. An impressive display post the 2024 nerf to Ashur Tablets.