w Lasombra Nocturn


This is a stealth & bleed deck using the Lasombra clan, with the D£ disciplines. During the beginning, it uses Govern the Unaligned to get vampires out faster and cheaper. When enough minions are into play, it switches to delivering strong bleed actions using £ for stealth.

The deck uses Nocturn to deliver more bleed faster, but they can also be used to protect the vampires from aggression if needed. In this version, Empowering The Puppet King can even be used to enhance their bleeds.

Stealth is not that pervasive, with only 12 stealth modifiers and Elysian Fields as a permanent enhancer. On the other hand, this version stacks all there is on enhancing the bleed power itself, and can regularily bleed for 7, with a complete disregard for the rare .

Deflection and Delaying Tactics defend against bleed and votes, and the deck also uses a minimal combat module, with avoidance like and deterrence with Entombment.

Tips & Tricks

With the highest bleed power one can pack, this deck is all about the lunge, so it's all about timing. The plan is to use a couple of Govern the Unaligned first to get some vampires out, and some deflections to bounce the predator's bleed, until one can reach the necessary mass to secure the oust of the prey.

The proportions of stealth, bleed enhancement, and combat, should be adapted to the meta for the deck to have any chance to work.

This version is very punitive towards decks that have low defenses and plans to win fast. allows to capitalize on a fast game if it's drawn.


This example decklist packs an unusually high bleed power. It's not unusual to see more stealth modifiers. The Admonitions is also often included in that case to provide a bit more cycling in case the prey opts to not block at all. Whether or not to include Seduction is heavily meta-dependant.

The Brutal variant forgoes the Nocturn entirely to pack a more threatening combat module instead, with Arms of the Abyss and Entombment, as in Mano Gago's deck.

The Black Hand variant uses groups 3 and 4 to include Henri Lavenant alongside Ermenegildo, The Rake and Banjoko, so it can use Black Hand cards like Tattoo Signal, Watchtower: Four Ride Forth and Remover. John Eno's deck from 2016 is a good example.

In a sense, the Kiasyd Stealth & Bleed archetype can be seen as a variation of this one.