q Lutz Politics


This is a stealth bleed & vote deck starring Lutz von Hohenzollern and Undele. It uses Zillah's Valley and to get these big capacity vampires in play quickly, then Minion Tap to get some pool back.

The sheer number of votes the vampire have makes sure they get the vote lock around the table. Stealth is high, with the versatile providing either stealth or votes, depending on what's needed on the table.

Tips & Tricks

Voter Captivation and Dmitra Ilyanova's ability can be used to get pool back on the vampires after Minion Tap.

Banishment is used to get rid of cumbersome vampires. It can either weaken the prey, slow down the predator, or even be used cross table to maintain the table balance if necessary. Moreover, it can dramatically increase the power of key votes like .

As the game progresses, Undele's ability can be used for recursion, getting the cards most adapted to the table context back in hand.

This version uses for combat defense, so it can be cycled out of hand easily if it's not needed.


With a few crypt changes, the deck can easily pack some Auspex A bounces, like in Johnson Gonçalves' deck. On the other hand, it can also forgo the bleed altogether and use Protected Resources, and even add Ashur Tablets in a heavier master module, like in Teemu Sainomaa's deck. An updated version would include Camarilla's Iron Fist, as in Michael Holmström's deck.

The Petra variant relies more on and uses Petra Resonance for additional pool damage and blood gain. It's an interesting take on the archetype, using Petra Resonance as a somewhat better Parity Shift: it works even when high on pool and, since it is not a vote, Unmada can perform it, unlock with Forced March, then call a political action. See Jens Johansson's deck for reference.

The Maris Lutz variant uses a group 3-4 crypt with Maris Streck, like Danilo Torrisi's deck from the 2016 EC. Using more Malkavian in the crypt makes Madness Network a useful inclusion, and having a bit more Justicar and Princes allows for some Parity Shift to provide more bloat.

The Helicopter variant uses the Alastor + Helicopter combination to enable Lutz von Hohenzollern to vote and bleed in the same turn, like in Fabien Garcia's deck from 2014 EC FCQ.

The AD&D variant uses Derange and Malkavian Dementia, like Otso Saariluoma's deck from 2010. This combination can steal any vampire, robbing them of their blood and equipment using Heidelberg Castle, Germany, or even destroying them for pool with Golconda: Inner Peace, provided one can get a second Master Action with Cybele or The Parthenon.