u Princess Toolbox
This is a toolbox deck built around the Tremere clan and their
disciplines.Magic of the Smith is central: it allows the vampire to fetch the right equipment early in the game. Going for the Heart of Nizchetus is the default option, but the Bowl of Convergence can be required fast if the predator uses a lot of stealth, and the right weapon can make all the difference, in particular a Sniper Rifle if some Potence deck threatens Immortal Grapple.
Tips & Tricks
Theft of Vitae is an excellent combat card, as it usually produces a 4 blood differential for no cost. helps with damage, especially aggravated damage from or . It is a resilient and versatile grinder module: the point is not to disable the blocked vampires, but rather make them lose blood in the effort consistently.
The deck fields a stupendous amount of bounces for additional security, but they also help put additional pressure on the prey, if the predator bleeds decently. As the game progresses, the deck becomes only more resilient, with permanent intercept and weapons installed. Eagle's Sight can make or break the game by allowing the unexpected block of the right action, using them properly requires skill and a good grasp of the table balance, but can be key to secure game wins.
This version focuses on weapons, including a couple of to fetch those which where drawn before Magic of the Smith could be played. is tripled to try and secure the key ousting mechanism.
The combat module can be adapted to the expected environment: aggravated damage with Flames of the Netherworld or Walk of Flame is a commmon variation. Ponticulus is a common inclusion, as well as .
This version is more of a wall. The Toolbox version includes Govern the Unaligned to influence more vampires faster and cheaper, and bleed later with a bit of stealth in Mirror Walk or even , and the occasional Conditioning for the lunge. See for example Jan Liška's deck.
The Royalty variant uses Princes and Justicars, adding political actions and Second Tradition: Domain to the mix. Ricardo Molina Sobreira's deck from the 2018 SAC is a good example.
The Infernal variant uses Valerius instead of Carna. His ability is fearsome and its Infernal trait and give him access to good options like Flames of the Netherworld and Unleash Hell's Fury. Pau Vilar's deck from 2018 is a good example.
The V5 variant uses new Tremere u vampires from the V5 Tremere starter, as in Jose Luis Manuel's deck from 2021. It appears that the disciplines spread in groups 5 and 6 are good enough to replicate the archetype there.
The Oliver variant uses Oliver Thrace as a co-star. His ability completely ruins Form of Mist and Earth Meld, which are common inclusions in both Ministry r and Gangrel p decks. So, depending on the meta, that might be a judicious choice. See Antonio Cobo Cuenca's deck for reference.