q Dementation Bleed
This is a stealth & bleed deck using the
disciplines. The idea is to bring maximum pool damage to the prey as fast as possible.Stealth is high, with many Obfuscate Eyes of Chaos to bring each bleed to a potential 4 or 5.
and a few Dementation modifiers. Some vampires in the crypt have a native +1 bleed ability, and the deck includes a lot ofTwo thirds of the vampires have Telepathic Misdirection is used against bleeds, in large numbers.
, soKindred Spirits provides some bloat by itself and should let the deck get three or even four vampires out.
When it comes down to combat, the deck relies on Coma to deter the opponents.
Tips & Tricks
and Spying Mission are two options to avoid from the prey.
A few master cards help with cycling, to avoid jamming on stealth: Dreams of the Sphinx, The Barrens and Fragment of the Book Of Nod. might be pointless if the prey is not using bounces, but it can also be used defensivly to prevent a or bleed action.
Coma is somewhat unusual in such numbers: No Trace is often preferred. However, it is more efficient against close range combat decks relying on combat continuance like Psyche or Relentless Reaper. It is no better against Immortal Grapple, though.
Depending on what's expected, a few other cards could find their place in the deck. The Call is a common inclusion, while Touch of Clarity and Hide the Mind can be included against the widespread and , but they do nothing for Bait and Switch. More Wash and are a possibility, to counter permanent intercept locations like KRCG News Radio and bloat devices like Villein. Finally, a couple of Restructure can be added against allies.
Louhi can give birth to interesting variations thanks to his ability, like in Pedro Paulo de Sousa Mendes's deck from 2015: Villein are out of question since he'll need his blood for his ability, but The Call can be used to compensate. The result is slower, but Louhi's ability can be devastating against some decks.
The deck can be built with Dementation Alessandro Donati's deck from the 2022 Italian NC. This is faster, but also more fragile as the stealth gets lower and the vampires have no good solution against combat.
only, and lower capacity vampires, as in