Q Capuchin Toolbox
This is a toolbox deck starring The Capuchin. The idea is to endure and apply low but constant pressure on the prey, while keeping as large a hand as possible to keep options open all the time.
Ideally, The Capuchin is influenced first, the he uses Govern the Unaligned to bring out a sidekick. Villein can be used to recoup blood. and are used for a bit of stealth, with the exceptionnal Under My Skin, and Mirror Walk.
Bleed defense is extremely solid, with 10 bounces between Deflection, Telepathic Misdirection, My Enemy's Enemy and Murmur of the False Will. Intercept runs pretty high too, not to mention The Capuchin's permanent bonus to begin with, with a good amount of wakes to support it all.
Bleed is ramping up throughout the game, with the sidekick able to use Govern the Unaligned and Bonding for bleeds from 2 to 5. Beware of a possible Archon Investigation, though.
When it comes down to combat, the deck relies on the efficient Theft of Vitae and the multi-puprose Unflinching Persistance, which can be used for prevention as well as range management. It is a tight but sturdy module.
Tips & Tricks
Crocodile's Tongue is brutal against allies, but also quite synergetic with Under My Skin: one might shy away from paying 2 blood if there's a standing Under My Skin on The Capuchin, thus barring any further block attempt from the Methuselah.
The deck's strategy is very contemplative. It should try to avoid getting in combats it is not likely to win, and stay defensive for most of the game, seizing opportunities as they arise. The more the game progresses, the more it stacks important devices and regenerate pool. It's not passive either: between the bounces and the stealth bleed, the pressure will end up overwhelming the prey at some point.
The main feature of the deck is its hand size. It is an under-valued option most of the time, except maybe in the Guillaume Real Estate archetype, but here the hand can reach well over 10 cards, providing the Methuselah with a constant wide range of options, making it that much sturdier.
This is a new build from Richard Stefan Utner, so there are no variations as of yet. It is reminiscent of Saulot Wall, but different enough to be called its own archetype. It scored 3 victories already though, so it ought to be good.