k Govern Resistance
This is a toolbox deck using Tzimisce k Barons and their disciplines combination.
The oldest vampire should be influenced first, so they can use superior Govern the Unaligned to help influence others faster and cheaper.
The deck uses Govern the Unaligned and Conditioning, for stealth with Earth Control, Form of Mist, and the occasional Form of the Bat.
to bleed withThe defense is solid, with Organized Resistance and Deep Ecology for unlock and intercept, plus the occasional Form of the Bat and Protection Racket. It also includes a good amount of bounces, with Bait and Switch and Deflection, and a few Delaying Tactics against votes.
On the combat side, the deck uses combat ends in both Earth Meld and Form of Mist, with the odd Donnybrook to keep opponents on their toes.
Tips & Tricks
Deep Song can be used to rush or to lock a defender (then Earth Meld to unlock and bleed), but can also be used to bleed, especially by the two vampires in crypt who do not have , Kuyen and Kamile Paukstys.
Garibaldi Meucci Museum is doubled because it is extra-efficient here. It can fetch defense cards like Bait and Switch or Deep Ecology, as well as a lunge with Eat the Rich, or simply de used to avoid a troublesome combat with another Anarch.
Scourge of the Enochians is a common inclusion against swarms, Gran Madre Di Dio can also be included. Groundfighting is an option against Immortal Grapple, and Heart Of Nizchetus fits nicely to help with the cards flow. Sniper Rifle and Raven Spy can be considered to enhance the defense.
The Claws variant relies on a more aggressive combat module, with more Deep Song to make rushes a viable strategy axis. Protean provides great aggravated modifiers like Donnybrook, Claws of the Dead, and Sculpt the Flesh, and some Graverobbing and Rötschreck can be included. See Roy Opitz' deck for an example.
Doubling down on the idea of use Deep Song to lock minions, the Tap'n Bleed variant uses less stealth but instead more Deep Song, with Invigorate as a versatile modifier, and the usual Anarch Troublemaker, Pentex™ Subversion and Misdirection on top of Seduction and The Sleeping Mind. See Pablo Carnino's deck for reference.
Althouhg it is a different archetype because of all the Dominate Gangrel Thing.
cards, the deck shares a lot with the infamous