Combat Modules

A common trip down the rabbit hole, for any new player who starts to dig in VTES, is to spend a couple of years diving into the intricacies of combat to try to figure out the most efficient and guaranteed way to dispose of the opponents vampires.

Let's face it: combat is fun, and at least if you have a solid combat deck, you will probably manage to stay in the game a bit longer. As explained in the Combat Primer article though, one needs to approach combat with a bit of caution: blowing things up is fun, but combat is ultimately about control. Winning with combat is hard, and prevailing on a table necessitates a good understanding of what works and what does not.

We will go through all known combat modules that have proved their efficiency by winning at least some tournaments, which will give us a good picture of what works and what does not. No combat module beats everything else. Players have tried for 30 years, and the ultimate combination does not exist. Still, some are stronger than others and, if you want to get good at combat, you need to know what your module strengths and weaknesses are, but also what your opponents modules can or cannot do.

Rush or Block

There are two combat styles, not counting the defensive posture where you just try to avoid combat through Strike: Combat Ends (SCE), dodges or prevention. Either you aim to rush opposing minions and disable them, or you adopt a less explosive but sturdier approach and block them.

Combat decks are all about control: you aim to disable opposing vampires and control the table fold. Rush decks can exert control cross-table, which can be key to victory, but they have shakier control on their neighbors. Block decks on the other hand tend to exert higher pressure on their neighbors, and less control cross-table.

But the differences cut deeper when it comes down to the combat module itself. Rush decks need to make sure their rush actions produce results, so they need solid solutions against Combat Ends and other defenses. On the other end, block decks already provide a good deal of their control effect just by blocking successfuly. Disabling the blocked minion, or even just grinding some beads off them, is just a bonus. Which is just as well: you need a bigger module for a rush deck, to have higher efficiency against combat defenses, and a lighter module for a block deck, to leave more room for reactions: you won't block without good wake and intercept capabilities.

Of course, it is also a spectrum: some rush decks have light block capabilities, and some block decks have a few rushes just in case. And anything in between. Modules will be tagged with the following badges:

Mono disciplines

i Animalism ANY

Carrion Crows Aid From Bats Terror Frenzy Voracious Vermin Deep Song Raven Spy

Animalism i is a prominent combat discipline. It is mainly due to Carrion Crows. It is an additional 2 beads every round, at any range. That can amount to a lot if you manage to get some presses. Being environmental damage, it is undodgeable, and as it is not a strike, high profile prevention cards like Rolling with the Punches and Rego Motum just won't work against it. Add some Taste of Vitae to the mix and you can even keep a steady blood reserve floating around. All in all, the card gave birth to a dozen different combat modules.

The most straightforward Animalism i module couples Carrion Crows with Aid from Bats. It offers a 3 beads differential at no cost, with just 2 cards. It can also deliver any amount of damage by continuing to press and deliver 3 damage per round as long as it has more Aid from Bats. On top of that, Terror Frenzy can be used to secure the long range, and Voracious Vermin or Canine Horde to trip up weapons modules.

Outside of the combat cards themselves, Animalism i also provides excellent combat support with the very versatile rush-or-bleed Deep Song, and good block devices with Raven Spy, Sense the Savage Way and Cat's Guidance, not forgetting Army of Rats as a bit of payload if you are going wall. There are additional, less widespread, tools, like Underbridge Stray that provide either a press or an unlock, Pack Alpha if you are fielding a lot of Raven Spies or adding some Murder of Crows to the mix, and Conquer the Beast as an improved Trap for even more Carrion Crows presses.

By itself, the whole module only works at superior I, but it is already impressive, as seen in the Nananimalism archetype. At inferior i, it can still be combined to other disciplines, for the range-setting utilities Drawing Out the Beast or Terror Frenzy, and some Raven Spy for block support.

For combination modules using Animalism i, see Animalism & Friends.

p Potence RUSH

Immortal Grapple Disarm Torn Signpost Roundhouse Thrown Sewer Lid Preternatural Strength

Potence p is the other main combat discipline. And here, too, it is mostly due to a single card: Immortal Grapple. It is the only card in the game that altogether negates defensive effects like dodge and strike: combat ends, but also a lot of nasty surprises like torpor strikes (Coma, Entombment) or weapons. All the other anti-defensive tools, be it combat continuance like Psyche! or direct cancellation like Death Seeker, only cancel the defense, so it is a battle of numbers. Not so with IG (its nickname): if you get it in, you are guaranteed to land your strike. And for rush decks, it matters a lot.

Of course, IG is only usable at close range, so range management is useful, and then you need your strike to matter. But that's something Potence p provides with the strongest strikes in the game, mainly through Torn Signpost, Roundhouse and Preternatural Strength. Add some Taste of Vitae to the mix and you can even keep a steady blood reserve floating around. On top of that, the second biggest staple of Potence p, also at close range, is Disarm. It is already strong in the discipline itself, but it really shines when paired with other disciplines: whether you manage to prevent or get an additional strike, it can send the opponent to torpor without even having to get more damage.

Pure Potence P modules will either use Slam for some maneuvers or Thrown Sewer Lid or Earthshock for good ranged options: modules that have enough range management to consistently go long do not usually rely on SCE. The lack of prevention can be issue, so if not coupled with prevention, a Glancing Blow or two can prove useful. Lastly, Potence P also offers the terrifying Decapitate, which can get rid of minions without having to go through a diablerie, even without aggravated damage.

Contrarily to Animalism, the Potence p base module is still pretty decent at inferior, so can more easily be combined with other disciplines. And even if its best effects are at close-range, it is also possible to build an efficient long-range module using Thrown Gate and Thrown Sewer Lid, often combined with Increased Strength and Target Vitals for additional damage, plus some maneuvers, Fake Out, High Ground or Backstep if another discipline does not provide a better alternative.

Potence p and its staple IG is often coupled to other disciplines for meaner modules, see Potence & Friends.

j Protean BLOCK

Claws of the Dead Donnybrook Earth Meld Form of Mist Flesh of Marble

Protean j is a decent combat discipline all by itself. It typically delivers aggravated damage with cards like Claws of the Dead, Donnybrook or Sculpt the Flesh, but also has a very solid prevention in Flesh of Marble. On top of that, it has the best Combat Ends of the game, Earth Meld, and the versatile Form of Mist.

All in all, Protean j offers a sturdy package already all by itself. Played alone, it is usually defensive with a few aggravated surprises. But Tzimisce k and Gangrels p can pair it with Animalism I in an IJ module, while other combinations like cj or jf will just use some utilities or prevention to help the main module.

v Vicissitude BLOCK

Breath of the Dragon Chiropteran Marauder Rötschreck Quick Jab Meld with the Land

With Breath of the Dragon and Chiropteran Marauder, Vicissitude V is an aggravated damage specialist. Often seen in blocking decks, it opens up the possibility of using Rötschreck like no other module. When played alone, Vicissitude modules can include a couple of Quick Jab or some Meld with the Land to offer some pliability. It is a tight, dreadful module that can even include some Amaranth to dispose of opponents, provided one has enough titled vampires to survive the Blood Hunt.

Combinations like VI, VA and Malgorzata VT are, of course, more aggressive and sturdier.

t Blood Sorcery BLOCK

Theft of Vitae Rego Motum Apportation Walk of Flame Magic of the Smith

The ability to steal blood with Theft of Vitae, coupled with prevention in Rego Motum and utility with Apportation, makes Blood Sorcery T by itself a very solid and lightweight module. Theft cannot be prevented and offers a 4 beads differential in a single card, which is the highest differential in the game, on par with Roundhouse. On top of that, the occasional Walk of Flame or Flames of the Netherworld can be included for a bit of aggravated damage.

Another big plus, combat-wise, for the discipline, is the existence of Magic of the Smith. Included in many Blood Sorcery t decks, sometimes only to fetch the occasional rare weapon more easily, like an Ivory Bow, other times in more copies to ensure the quick and stable equipment of a couple of weapons.

More aggressive combinations exist of course, Tremere IT Banu Haqim CT and Malgorzata VT.

f Fortitude BLOCK

Rolling with the Punches Hidden Strength Indomitability Unflinching Persistence Soak Undead Persistence

Fortitude f by itself provides a wide array of prevention devices, here is quick review:

With good prevention, you don't need much to build a very decent defensive module. Additional damage is desireable, like Weighted Walking Stick, Pulled Fangs and Target Vitals. For a sturdier approach, Zip Gun can be used to try and keep the range long. Vampires with high strength like Lazverinus or Khurshid are great at mono-Fortitude F. The most aggressive Fortitude F modules can try Undead Persistence together with Trap and Indomitability for excrucatingly long combats.

Even if it can be played alone, Fortitude is more often seen as a second combat discipline, like PF, JF, HF, Anarch cf, or BF.

$ Obtenebration BLOCK

Arms of the Abyss Entombment

Obtenebration all by itself offers surprisingly good lightweight combat options, with Arms of the Abyss and Entombment. A bit expensive at first glance, but a good base that is already a decent dissuasive module. It can be supplemented by a few Shadow Step and/or Amaranth for higher aggression, or lean on the defensive side, centered on or combined with the excellent defensive $ module.

Of course, the discipline shines even brighter when combined: the legacy Lasombra T have the P£ and even P£I combinations, and the Kiasyd S the £X variant.

Additional Tools

Kevlar Vest Guardian Angel Depravity Sire's Index Finger Light Intensifying Goggles Ivory Bow

All modules can include additional generic tools to provide permanent bonus to their fighting vampires. Vests are usual, the Kevlar Vest first and foremost, for its ability to severly limit the efficiency of the most common weapon, the .44 Magnum, followed by the Leather Jacket and the Flak Jacket. Other equipments can be of interest, like the ubiquitous Ivory Bow, Light Intensifying Goggles for utility, or Sire's Index Finger against Rötschreck.

Allies are another resource that can be tapped in. Carlton Van Wyk is probably the most played, as he's great at defense: combat decks have to include a way of dealing with his permanent dodge ability if they want to avoid losing a rush per turn to his blocks. Moreover, his way of dealing with diablerists makes the act of diablerie more dangerous: you never know if a Carlton won't show up to burn you next turn. Apart from him, Ossian is a good rusher who can dispatch the small fry, and Gregory Winter can help keep the blood low on on your opponents and occasionally do some torpor cleanup. The Antigen newcomers, Michael Harris and Valerie Diaz, have not proven their worth yet, although Michael Harris' ability looks like it could be useful if you've included a weapon or two.

Master cards are another source of bonuses, like Guardian Angel for prevention and Depravity for strength. Anarch have access to more options: for example Libertas against r SCE, or Blood Turnip for blood. Some clans also have access to exclusive bonuses, like Ventrue v with the Island of Yiaros or Gangrels p with Gangrel Revel. So, whatever the module, always check what the sect and clan have to offer.

Defensive Modules

r Presence DEFENSIVE

Majesty Staredown

Presence r is the crowned discipline for combat ends. Majesty is at the top of the list, providing SCE at inferior r and a useful unlock at superior R. Staredown is a possible cheaper alternative. There's also the nasty combination of Catatonic Fear with Target Vitals if you want your SCE to be more punishing. The discipline offers even more options depending on your vampires: Serpent's Numbing Kiss if they have Serpentis s has a very dissuasive effect, and Charismatic Aura if you have Auspex a, or Bollix if you happen to be Anarch, can be use to counter the ominous Immortal Grapple.


Earth Meld Form of Mist

Protean j does provide the best SCE of the game in Earth Meld, at no cost with an unlock. It also provides the very versatile Form of Mist, offering both stealth and SCE in a single card. It provides less tactical options against IG, although Anarchs can always play Groundfighting.

d Dominate DEFENSIVE


Obedience is, for high capacity vampires (think 11-cap Inner Circles), the absolute best defense. It requires you to be unlocked or to wake, but it does not even let the combat begin: rush decks have zero solution other than overflow with more rushes. Block decks won't be bothered but, then, they need to manage to block.

if Alpha Glint DEFENSIVE

Alpha Glint

Although it is limited to the highest capacity vampires like Stanislava, Alpha Glint is a very solid combat ends that, at superior, trumps even an IG. Contrarily to Obedience, it does not require a wake or an unlock and can be used in any situation.

The only case where Obedience is superior is against the Temporis ! combination, Outside the Hourglass & Domain of Evernight.

$ Obtenebration DEFENSIVE

Shadow Body Oubliette

Obtenebration has good SCE options in Shadow Body and Oubliette, and also a great dissuasion weapon in Entombment. On top of that, Nocturn can be used as cannon fodder to block dangerous rushers and protect their vampiric masters.

o Obfuscate DEFENSIVE

No Trace Mental Maze

Obfuscate o defense is a bit shaky, but sometimes that's good enough. At superior it got only No Trace for SCE, but high capacity vampires can use Mental Maze as some kind of sub-par Obedience. You need a successful block for it to work, so it is less effective.

M Shadow Court Satyr DEFENSIVE

Shadow Court Satyr Earth Meld

The best card the Satyrs can use with their ability is simply Earth Meld. Systematic combat ends on every combat is a very overwhelming defense.

5 Flash Grenade DEFENSIVE

Flash Grenade Concealed Weapon

A frustrating defense simply uses Concealed Weapon to equip Flash Grenade. It requires no disciplines and, although it is a bit expensive in terms of cards slot, it is pretty dissuasive for a lot of combat modules.

Naked defense DEFENSIVE

Fake Out Dodge

It is even possible to get a perfunctory defense with just some Dodge and Fake Out. It might suffice against light combat and might trip up even high profile combat modules on occasion. Especially if they underestimate you because of the absence of discipline.

i Animalism & Friends

Carrion Crows is strong in and by itself, but it benefits from being coupled with presses and prevention.

ij Animalism & Protean ANY

Carrion Crows Drawing out the Beast Flesh of Marble Claws of the Dead Bear's Skin

A prerogative of the Gangrel p in the past, now the Ij combination is also open to Tzimisce k. On top of a close-range Animalism I module with Carrion Crows and Drawing out the Beast, Flesh of Marble and Bear's Skin can be used for prevention, and Protean j provides some aggravated damage like Claws of the Dead or Sculpt the Flesh to make the whole thing deadlier.

Gangrel p also often have Fortitude f so they can stack more or better prevention like Hidden Strength, Rolling with the Punches or even Skin of Night to make up for Flesh of Marble's weakness.

kiv Tzimisce Animalism & Vicissitude BLOCK

Carrion Crows Breath of the Dragon Chiropteran Marauder Horrid Form Telepathic Tracking Rötschreck

Adding Carrion Crows to the Vicissitude V module is bonus damage, nice. Horrid Form is often included for more damage, alongside Telepathic Tracking against combat ends defense. All in all, it is an aggressive combat module, and it constitutes the foundation of the Tzimisce Toolbox archetype.

Biz Ahrimane Animalism & Spiritus BLOCK

Carrion Crows Aid From Bats Swiftness of the Stag Leapfrog Strength of the Bear

With Swiftness of the Stag being so versatile, the Carrion Crows & Aid From Bats combination becomes a deadly machine. Leapfrog and Strength of the Bear can also be used for additional utility. This solid combination, on top of both disciplines providing excellent intercept capabilities, is the basis of the Cats archetype.

There are multiple options to complement the module, from some Target Vitals to increase damage, to range control utilities like Terror Frenzy or Drawing Out the Beast. Most modules will always field at least some Taste of Vitae to recoup a bit of blood anti-weapons tech like Canine Horde or Voracious Vermin.

xik Ravnos Animalism & Chimerstry ANY

Carrion Crows Apparition Trap The Path of Paradox

Using Apparition for prevention and Trap for presses, Carrion Crows can now disable any vampire in a single combat. Given the module makes no reservation against combat ends, it is not so widespread. It can, however, be a very nasty surprise in a combat-heavy environment due to its high prevention abilities. After all, Ravnos x also have Fortitude f on top of the already great Apparition.

There are different options here. Lowering the cost of Apparition is desireable if it is used a lot, so The Path of Paradox or having Gabrin as a star works well. Trap is more often used in low numbers and can be replaced by Conquer the Beast. A Mayaparisatya or two can be nasty, but the whole module can also lean much more on the Animalism i side, use Aid From Bats and just field a few Apparition for a bit of prevention. Finally, one must also decide whether to lean more on the rush side with Deep Song, or on the block side by supplementing Animalism i capabilities with Draba or Ignis Fatuus.

uit Tremere Animalism & Blood Sorcery BLOCK

Carrion Crows Theft of Vitae Apportation Rego Motum

Carrion Crows with Theft of Vitae makes for a 6 beads differential. Add Rego Motum for prevention, and this makes for a lightweight and mighty module. Apportation can be added for range and presses. The combination being used by high capacity Tremere u like Gabrielle di Righetti, Dr. John Dee and Lord Tremere himself, the module also often fields a few Telepathic Tracking against combat ends and sometimes a bit of surprise aggravated damage with Walk of Flame, Flames of the Netherworld or Burst of Sunlight.

Seeing how Tremere u also have Auspex a, this efficient module gets used in heavy block decks, combining the two best intercept disciplines of the game, Animalism i and Auspex a, to build an impassable wall. Of course, the best known combination here is probably the Goratrix High Tower archetype, and it is basically the same module, even though Goratrix being Goratrix he does not need to include any Theft of Vitae.

Cwif Akunanse ANY

Carrion Crows Rolling with the Punches Hidden Strength Invoking the Beast Devil-Channel: Hands Drawing out the Beast

Akunanse disciplines wf offer a great combination to support I Carrion Crows: Fortitude F for prevention and Invoking the Beast for additional damages and presses. On top of that, they get aggravated damage with Devil‑Channel: Hands. And of course, there's always Drawing out the Beast to control the range.

So all in all it is powerful and sturdy, only it has no tool to handle SCE, other than overwhelming by using Freak Drive for multiple actions. Thanks to Abombwe W Predator's Communion and Animalism I reactions, it can field a very efficient block package too, not to forget the exceptional No Secrets From the Magaji.


Disciplines are not all there is. Another path exists: using weapons. One thing that you will want to avoid though, is to fail to get the weapon because of blocks. This forces more stealth, and dilutes control. Luckily, there are other options.

c CEL Guns ANY

.44 Magnum Psyche!

Use Concealed Weapon to get a .44 Magnum. Good by itself, it becomes redoutable when combined with Celerity C. Psyche! is a must have: it starts a new combat, so the Magnum maneuver kicks in again, and it is a nice counter against SCE. Pursuit provides range control or more damage, and Taste of Vitae is a good addition to keep the blood flowing. Other typical inclusions are Blur and Quickness for more damage, Infernal Pursuit for card flow, often paired with Ashur Tablets, and Sideslip for the limited prevention.

a Sniper BLOCK

Concealed Weapon Sniper Rifle

Another good weapon to Conceal is a Sniper Rifle. It is often paired with Auspex a since other block decks have access to better combat options. Sadly, Sniper Rifle range setting effect does not kick in in the combat where you get it via Concealed Weapon. But it is a solid minimal combat module. A good close-range combat will be able to press and still land a strike on round 2, but it adds a serious barrier against them. The only potential additions are Read Intentions for utility and Aura Reading for card flow.

o Disguised Flamethrower BLOCK

Disguised Weapon Flamethrower

Obfuscate o provides Disguised Weapon, for bigger weapons, typically a Flamethrower or an Improvised Flamethrower. It is a lightweight combat module, but dissuasive. Aggravated damage at all range requires good prevention to face it - a Glancing Blow or a Sideslip will not be enough. And Obfuscate o also provides Swallowed by the Night for a bit of range management that doubles as stealth. This module is not strong enough by itself to build a rush deck, but makes for a decent block or even defensive module.

f Sticks BLOCK

Weighted Walking Stick

Weighted Walking Stick is one of the easiest way to add steady damage to a bare combat module. Often seen alongside Fortitude f, It can also be used by allies or low capacity vampires with no combat disciplines. Ventrue v, Salubri c, and both their antitribu are fond of this weapon, see Gentlemen With Sticks or Anti Ventrue Grinder for example. It hits three times for 2: a neat 3 beads differential at no cost, and it requires no action to equip. A few Target Vitals can be added to the mix to spice it up.

Saturday Night DBR ANY

Saturday Night Special Dragon's Breath Rounds

A third option for Concealed Weapon is Saturday Night Special. It is inferior to a .44 Magnum, but it is cheaper, which means you can more easily sacrifice it on Dragon's Breath Rounds to inflict 2 aggravated damage on top. Sure, it is a bit more convoluted than using Vicissitude v or Protean j strikes, but it requires no discipline, and no blood. Which means it is a great fit for a low-cap swarm, and that's the DBR archetype.

Big Guns ANY

Alastor Assault Rifle

The meanest weapons are Assault Rifle and AK/47. They are expensive: you can reduce the cost with cards like Hackerspace or Ravnos Cache, but Alastor is even better: it lets you fetch the weapon and reduces the cost, while also providing a standing stealthed rush. You need to pass the vote, but that's a solid option for Justicar and Inner Circle decks. In any case, with such a weapon you hardly need any support combat cards on top.

Ivory Bow BLOCK

Magic of the Smith Ivory Bow

The Ivory Bow is a cheap and cunning weapon. It is often included as a single copy in block decks, because it is, at the minimum, an efficient deterrent. Blood Sorcery t decks can rely on it a bit more extensively since they can use Magic of the Smith in enough copies to ensure it can be fetched early game. It's more of a Tremere u trick, since the Banu Haqim n have the exceptional ct module already. You can expect a Bowl of Convergence and a Kevlar Vest to be fetched next.

Grenade ANY

Concealed Weapon Grenade

A seldom seen weapon to conceal is a simple Grenade. It can be paired with a simple Fake Out, which makes it a very decent weapon for non-vampire minions, Arms Dealer being the most common possibility here.

p Potence & Friends

Between Immortal Grapple and the widest range of combat cards a discipline ca offer, Potence p is the ideal base discipline for a multitude of combinations.

pi Potence & Animalism RUSH

Carrion Crows Drawing out the Beast Immortal Grapple Roundhouse Preternatural Strength

As Potence p and Animalism i are the strongest combat disciplines, combining them is a no-brainer. IG and strong strikes from Potence p, Carrion Crows and Drawing out the Beast for range management from Animalism i, it is very aggressive. Canine Horde or Voracious Vermin are often present to handle weapons, but the only real downside of this combination is the lack of prevention: it is only just Glancing Blow.

The sheer aggressive power of the module is enough to make it top tier even with this weakness. Guruhi Rush won the EC twice, after all, and made the finals thrice. Nosferatu s can field a decent crypt with inferior Fortitude f for prevention, especially with Cock Robin and Nikolaus Vermeulen, but apart from that it is mostly star vampires that can go beyond, like Enkidu or Karsh.

pc Potence & Celerity RUSH

Immortal Grapple Torn Signpost Pursuit Blur Disarm Sideslip

The Brujah o module par excellence. It is using IG to counter defenses, coupled with Pursuit for range management and additional strikes. Torn Signpost is usually used over Roundhouse or Preternatural Strength, because it combines better with additional strikes. Blur and Quickness are usual. Sideslip is nice, since it brings a bit of prevention and the occasional dodge, against aggravated strikes and Ivory Bow. All those Celerity c tricks also make Disarm that much more efficient.

It is maybe slightly inferior to the pi module because it has a more fragile range management. There are some decent Brujah o crypts that offer inferior Fortitude f for a bit more prevention though. Luckily, the V5 Anarchs Brujah o have additional options, since they can mix this up with Anarch pc and even Anarch cf depending on the crypt, for a stronger module.

pf Potence & Fortitude RUSH

Immortal Grapple Torn Signpost Disarm Unflinching Persistence Rolling with the Punches Hidden Strength

Now the Potence module is already strong but what misses? Prevention and range management. Get some Fortitude F in there and between Unflinching Persistence, Rolling with the Punches, and Hidden Strength, you are pretty much covered.

However, it is not a combination a lot of vampires have at superior. And those who have often have even deadlier possibilities open to them. All in all, it is often played either with Lazverinus, Lorrie, or Giovanni O (particularily Ignazio). In this last case, the module often includes Necromancy n cards like Dead Hand and Spiritual Guidance.

pc Anarch Potence & Celerity ANY

Immortal Grapple Dust Up Bollix Disarm Hell-for-Leather

Anarch Brujah o have additional options here, with Dust Up as a cornerstone. The Dust Up dodge makes up for the lack of prevention and makes Disarm very easy to use. Hell‑for‑Leather is often added for a cheap additional at inferior c, and Bollix for utility, since it can also cancel an IG for a Dust Up dodge against a dangerous Potence P opponent.

Depending on the crypt, additional combat cards can be brought in: superior Potence P calls for Torn Signpost and Slam, while superior Celerity C opens Pursuit and Quickness. The module can also be combined with Guns, or even with the Anarch cf module, if the crypt allows. It can also be reduced and combined with Brujah Debate.

Kps Ghede Potence & Serpentis RUSH

Ghede Immortal Grapple Typhonic Beast The Jones Freak Drive

Well, if the Potence module lacks prevention, using Serpentis S Typhonic Beast, especially with a vampire that plays it for free like Ghede, makes for a powerful combination with just two cards. Rush, play Typhonic Beast and press until you are at close range, then IG and kill. The Jones is often included too for good measure against torpor strikes like Entombment, as well as supplementary prevention against high-damage opponents, like Skin of Steel, and Sire's Index Finger or Blade of Enoch against Rötschreck.

It is efficient, with very few moving parts. The only downside is that Ghede is mostly alone here, so multi-action is required to get sufficient efficency, with Freak Drive, Mylan Horseed, and Abdelsobek. It is still altogether fragile, since it relies on a single vampire.

Fpgf Blood Brothers Potence & Sanguinus RUSH

Immortal Grapple Torn Signpost Octopod Three's a Crowd Soak Hidden Strength

The Blood Brothers Torrence and Chicago circles provide the interesing Sanguinus g discipline coupled with a bit of Fortitude f to complement the basic Potence P module. And as if having a bit of Fortitude f prevention alongside Potence p was not already cool, They have Octopod for additional strikes, Three's a Crowd for range setting, making sure this IG will land, Coordinate Attacks as an alternative to IG to counter defenses, and Slake the Thirst to really profit from these Taste of Vitae.

The only issue here is the crypt. The Torrance circle has a bit more access to superior discipline but is more expensive, whereas the Chicago circle has more superior Sanguinus G but mostly inferior Potence p and Fortitude f. The good news is the module is still very decent at inferior, and Sanguine Instruction can be added to stabilize the disciplines. Moreover, they have strong rush actions with Oppugnant Night and Coagulated Entity, and Achille's Heel to help with the oust.

Tp$i Lasombra Environmental ANY

Immortal Grapple Dark Steel Carrion Crows Slam

Combining Obtenebration $ with the already great Potence & Animalism module is strong: Dark Steel is like a better Carrion Crows thanks to its maneuver, and playing both for maximum environmental damage is a treat. On top of the Dark Steel maneuver, Slam can be used for even more maneuvers.

This module relies on a very high capacity crypt with Montano, Nahir, Servius and/or Antón. Using Animalism i here is not just a matter of having Carrion Crows, but more importantly to benefit from the versatile Deep Song and Sense the Savage Way. On the Obtenebration $ side, it will also often include Black Metamorphosis.

Tp$ Lasombra Ranged BLOCK

Arms of the Abyss Entombment Disarm Thrown Gate Shadow Body

Interestingly, Lasombra T can combine Obtenebration $ to Potence p for a much more defensive module. Using the great Arms of the Abyss to avoid damage opens the way to easy Disarm and Entombment, although it does let go of the great IG. Combined to Thrown Gate for a bit more defense and security with its long range, it makes for a sturdy and leightweight module.

It might be an interesting avenue for some toolboxes, and it can be very hard to predict and handle for opponents. On the other, it will struggle against IG-based modules, and as far as range combat is concerned, the Kiasyd £X module is probably stronger.

jp? True Brujah Potence & Temporis RUSH

Shalmath Outside the Hourglass Domain of Evernight Decapitate Disarm

Now we are getting in the top level combos with this one. Temporis ? is awesome thanks to one single card: Outside the Hourglass. First, it is versatile, and the dodge and maneuver can be handy. But more importantly, it provides 2 close range damage before strikes are even selected. There are two key combinations here: if blocked, you can use Domain of Evernight to Outside the Hourglass two aggravated damage that are hard to avoid: it is not a strike, so dodges, combat ends, and even cards like Rolling with the Punches or Rego Motum are useless. There is a good chance the opponent will go to torpor and you can Decapitate.

Furthermore, and even without aggravated damage from Domain of Evernight, you can always use another OtH or a Majesty to avoid damage yourself, and then Disarm your opponent. And still Decapitate them if you like. The only issue here is that only scarce vampires have Temporis ?, so it is a module often relying on a single star like Shalmath, which makes it slow and inherently fragile, even if still outstanding.

Npu Gargoyles Potence & Visceratika RUSH

Tupdog Immortal Grapple Roundhouse Brick by Brick Raking Talons

One of the most dreadful combat module there is, Visceratika u offers exactly what is needed to make IG inescapable: a straight-up range setting tool with Brick by Brick, and Raking Talons for aggravated damage. Visceratika u also provides good damage prevention options, but it offers one of the best star fighter of the game: Tupdog. And those are disposable, so they need not bother with prevention. The Tupdogs archetype uses this module to great effect.

That said, the other Gargoyles N can enjoy the same module, with Stonestrength and Rockheart on top for prevention, and go for a more toolboxy deck.

o p Brujah Debate RUSH

Brujah Debate The Embrace Immortal Grapple

Brujah Debate is bonkers. If you stack enough of them, any Brujah Embrace becomes a killing machine. So the plan is easy: stack the Debates, rush and Grapple, maybe Dust Up if you are Anarch, and don't forget to Taste. The Debates give so many maneuvers and such great strikes, you don't need much on top of it.

The trick will be to defend them, but either you disable everyone that can destroy them, or maybe you run a couple of Barons for Organized Resistance, they can also use Childe of the Revolution as an improvement over Embrace.


Non-unique allies are a solid combat option too. In those cases, the deck is all about getting the recruits done and pay for the allies, and the combat module is very slim and disciplineless, mostly using Target Vitals, Trap, Fake Out and Glancing Blow. Allies decks with also usually field The Unmasking, for basic block abilities.

i Nephandus ANY


The most prominent ally (since the Emerald Legionnaire nerf). Sure, they don't have an incorporated rush, but they can use Haven Uncovered or Bum's Rush, and, more importantly, they bleed for one, so they're packing the ousting solution. Given their ability, they can interestingly use Molotov Cocktail with no additional card, so it is often included in the combat package for a surprise burst of aggravated damage. They're often seen, of course, alongside Antonio d'Erlette.

k War Ghoul RUSH

War Ghoul

Well, those rush hard. Of course here, having some utilities like Trap and Fake Out to make the rushes more likely to disable is paramount. The difficulty is in paying for them, but Tzimisce k have low cost solutions, and there's always Jake Washington to sacrifice and Piper to summon them without an action, nor a chance to block.

V Escaped Mental Patient ANY

Escaped Mental Patient

This one has a daunting strike. Sure, it burns, but the price is not too high and it does not burn if an SCE is used. They also do not burn if you use a Rötschreck after blocking. So they're good at exhausting defenses, but can also simply be used as a deterrent for defense.

n Shambling Hordes RUSH

Shambling Hordes

The dreaded zombies pack a bit less punch than a War Ghoul, but they only cost blood, so summoning more of them is the point: a slower but more overwhelming swarm. As you also need allies in the ash heap, they tend to be accompanied by some Liquidation or allies with a burn option for that express purpose, like Draeven Softfoot.

p Renegade Garou RUSH

Renegade Garou

Finally the werewolf. It is expensive, but it has a maneuver, it regenerates, and the rush has stealth. They love using a Weighted Walking Stick for 4 damage, and Jacob Fermor can make them bleed, and provide the ousting solution.

Other combinations

There is still a world outside of Potence p and Animalism i. In those modules, two things matter: the ability to overcome dodge and combat ends defenses, and sturdiness, aka. prevention.

nct Banu Haqim Celerity & Blood Sorcery ANY

Hunger of Marduk Pursuit Blur Quickness Rego Motum Psyche!

Welcome to one of the best combat modules there is. Using Hunger of Marduk, Banu Haqim n work around prevention in quick order and use Celerity C additionals like Pursuit, Quickness and Blur to empty their target. Between Pursuit, Swallowed by the Night, and Resist Earth's Grasp, they get excellent range management. And Rego Motum and Sideslip can provide prevention while Psyche! helps counter defenses. Sure, they need to do an actual damage to dispose of the opponent, but they have access to Anti-Fortitude f tech even there with Soul Burn or Blood Rage, or they can just hit for one, or use a Zip Gun or a Stick, or even a Walk of Flame to burn their opponent if it is after a press.

Ultimately, the only weakness is the limited prevention and the difficulty to handle defenses, since Psyche! does not combine well with Hunger of Marduk. That said, Hunter's Mark provide a solid alternative against strong defenses, as long as there's enough stealth to land it consistantly. Moreover, the module can be denser than usual, thanks to Haqim's Law: Retribution that transforms those red cards into bleed enhancers.

Dcq Assamite Celerity & Quietus RUSH

Selective Silence Sanguine Entrapment Taste of Death Pursuit Side Strike Psyche!

The legacy Assamites D also have interesting combination with Quietus Q providing Selective Silence to set range, Taste of Death for aggravated damage, and Sanguine Entrapment against defenses. Celerity C provides additionals and a few more utilities with the like of Pursuit, Side Strike, and Psyche!. There is not much prevention to be had, just Sideslip, so opposing ranged modules can be hard to handle. Luckily, Fast Hands can offset most gun-based modules.

The difficulty resides in hand management. You often need more than 2 cards to land a combat combination, and need to be very precise in your match-ups, so as to align Entrapment on potential SCE, set the range against close-range opponents, or dodge with Side Strike before you strike if they are at long range.

ehf Samedi Thanatosis & Fortitude RUSH

Relentless Reaper Groaning Corpse Unflinching Persistence Rolling with the Punches

The Samedi e offer one of the most dreadful combat module. With Relentless Reaper being so versatile, it can be spammed in such amounts as to make any kind of defense irrelevant, while also providing decent prevention. Then Groaning Corpse provides the damage and the usual Fortitude f prevention handles the rest. Moreover, additional surprises can be used like Compress, Trap, Necrosis or Dust to Dust.

Samedi e having poor block abilities and no bounce, this module is a rush module: Fortitude f helps by providing more actions with Freak Drive, and the clan got Blessings of the Loa for some ousting power since the Lost Kindred expansion. They also got a powerful crypt with great abilities: Mambo Jeanne, Jean Lisle and Marie‑Pierre coming in to supplement Josette and Baroque.

cf Anarch Celerity & Fortitude ANY

Diversion Diversion Diversion Groundfighting

Now this fearful combination almost holds to a single card: Diversion. It is so versatile, you only need a bit of power, like a boost in strength or some .44 Magnum or Stick, and you can just spam Diversion for additional strikes and prevention. Additionally, Groundfighting can be used for utility and against IG if you are not doing hand strike, and Hell‑For‑Leather or Dust Up can provide even more options depending on your crypt. If you are running superior Celerity C, you can use Psyche! to help overrun defenses.

cj Celerity & Protean ANY

Flesh of Marble Claws of the Dead Psyche! Blur Acrobatics Pursuit

Protean j provides decent prevention with Flesh of Marble, and aggravated damage with Claws of the Dead and its brothers, Wolf Claws, Bone Spur and even Body Flare. Celerity C brings in just the right amount of utilities with maneuvers from Pursuit, dodges from Acrobatics, Side Strike or Stutter‑Step, and additionals with Blur, Hell‑for‑Leather and Quickness. Most importantly, Psyche! helps overcome defenses.

Different crypts can field this module, from the powerful Matasuntha to the rarer Miller or Adana de Sforza, passing by all Gangrel antitribu M, who can use Leathery Hide on top. A strength bonus is welcome, to make prevention harder and overcome a simple Sideslip or Glancing Blow, and cost reduction is also good, since the whole module is expensive.

jf Protean & Fortitude ANY

Claws of the Dead Target Vitals Unflinching Persistence Indomitability Rolling with the Punches Hidden Strength

A rare module that almost always relies on the strength bonus of a big star vampire like Lazverinus, Hardestadt or Elimelech. It is mostly a pure Fortitude F approach relying on strength and prevention for a consistent advantage, but with the added deterrence of some aggravated damage, sometimes seconded by Amaranth or Rötschreck.

va Meshenka Vicissitude & Auspex ANY

Meshenka Horrid Form Horrid Form Telepathic Tracking

Stack an humongous number of Horrid Form, preferably with vampires that have cost reduction abilities, like Meshenka. Use Telepathic Tracking to counter defenses. Simple, grueling, unencombered by IG. You can add some Trap and Chiropteran Marauder to help, or some Kraken's Kiss, if it is really focused on Meshenka as a star. In all cases, some Carrion Crows can always help with the damage throughput.

vt Malgorzata Vicissitude & Blood Sorcery ANY

Malgorzata Chiropteran Marauder Blood Rage Rego Motum Breath of the Dragon

The Vicissitude V module is decent, but it misses stuff. Coupled with Blood Sorcery t prevention in Rego Motum, and the unpreventable Blood Rage hand strike that goes so well with Chiropteran Marauder, it becomes formidable. It is seen with very high cap stars like Malgorzata, Lord Tremere and Mistress Fanchon.

The module can include additional utilities, like Quick Jab, Amaranth, Inner Essence, Telepathic Tracking or Thoughts Betrayed.

cbf Salubri Obeah & Fortitude BLOCK

Anesthetic Touch Target Vitals Unflinching Persistence Vitae Block

Now there's a famous combination that is notably, but not exclusivly, seen in Saulot decks. Anesthetic Touch provides a very neat combat ends that trumps IG, and Target Vitals can be used with it. With a bit of Fortitude F prevention on top, mostly Unflinching Persistence for mobility, it is very sturdy.

The prevention module is widly variable and can include Hidden Strength, Superior Mettle, Skin of Steel, or Rolling with the Punches. Blissful Agony is a common inclusion. Depending on the crypt, the module can be enriched with either Blood Sorcery t Blood Rage or Theft of Vitae, or Valeren l Eye of Unforgiving Heaven.

dlf Salubri Antitribu Valeren ANY

Sword of the Righteous Eye of Unforgiving Heaven Armor of Caine's Fury Hidden Strength Death Seeker Righteous Aura

Salubri Antitribu d have interesting options with Valeren L. They mainly rely on weapons with Sword of the Righteous allowing for brutal aggravated strikes, and Death Seeker that lets them cancel either defensive cards or IG. On the weapons side, it is a choice between simple Sticks or a Blade of Bellona and Concealed Weapon combination. For ousting power, they can rely on the excellent Righteous Aura.

On the prevention side, the options are wide. Armor of Caine's Fury is a great prevention card, and The Path of Retribution can make it free. Of course on the other hand, Salubri Antitribu d have Fortitude F and its collection of prevention cards, from Rolling with the Punches and Soak against high damage, to Hidden Strength and Indomitability for utility. Finally they can also use some Telepathic Tracking for additional control over defensive builds.

All in all, it is a sturdy and painful combat module that can be fitted for any prupose.

S$x Kiasyd Obtenebration & Mytherceria BLOCK

Arms of the Abyss Earth Swords Darkling Trickery Fae Contortion Target Vitals

Combining the cunning Obtenebration module with Earth Swords and Darkling Trickery makes for a high burst sneaky ranged combat module. Target Vitals is often included for a bit more damage. Darkling Trickery is great to handle opposing guns modules, a few Entombment can always be included, and the dual-purpose Fae Contortion makes securing the range that much easier. Having no solution against SCE means it has to be a block module, but it is a mean one at that.

Notable Vampires

So we have gone through the modules, but we have not talked much about the vampires yet. And oh boy, how they change everything. So here is a list of the biggest threats in the game. The decks count only counts actual combat decks, some of those vampires appear in a lot of other decks that are not combat-focused.

Nana Buruku

Nana Buruku
played in 64 decks.

A great star, both in Mono I and PI decks. Her ability is just bonkers.


played in 54 decks.

Star of oh so many gun decks, his ability, like Nana Buruku, makes him a star in many decks but, yeah, he's been known to be very handy with a C gun module.


played in 46 decks.

They have one of the best modules in PU, but also, they're fire and forget! Since they die anyway every turn, they need no defense.


played in 41 decks.

If you are running an IZ module, she's your girl. Of course, Muricia is an alternative, but Howler just got more wins under her belt.

Enkidu, The Noah

Enkidu, The Noah
played in 32 decks.

Rush and bonus strength, and he can use so many modules. Be it PI, PC, together with F prevention or Anarch CF, he can destroy whole tables. And with Raven Spy and Sense the Savage Way, he can even become a decent wall all by himself. A legend.


played in 22 decks.

This guy's ability is so broken he does not even need a combat module. Just a couple of Carrion Crows and Rego Motum and you can whittle down a whole table. He's basically playing IT without needing Theft of Vitae.


played in 25 decks.

The lead singer for the VT module, an outstanding combination. Her ability allows her to go fetch big capacity friends like Mistress Fanchon for cheap.


played in 19 decks.

A good friend of Enkidu, she can also run her own show relying on a mix of PI, IJ, CJ, JF and/or Anarch CF. The choice of module mainly depends on the choice of sidekick.


played in 17 decks.

Definitely a blocker, she often calls up Alastor for Big Guns and Anson is a good friend of her. Her ability offers an unmatched control for a blocking deck.


played in 17 decks.

Master of the guns, he mostly plays with C guns, but he can also go CQ or mix both.

Dmitra Ilyanova

Dmitra Ilyanova
played in 17 decks.

She's an all-out star, more often seen in political decks. But she can go PC with F for prevention, or use the Big guns with Alastor, and even couple it with C guns tech.

Saulot, The Wanderer

Saulot, The Wanderer
played in 16 decks.

Definitely a blocker, and a great one at that, he can either run simple F Sticks or go for the more obnoxious BF.

Lazverinus, Thrall of Lambach

played in 14 decks.

He's great at Mono F, but can also use jF and/or PF. His bonus strength makes him a good fit for many decks.

Beast, The Leatherface of Detroit

played in 12 decks.

Definitely the guy you want when running a pure P module, or even a PC one. And horribly efficient at that.

Nangila Were

Nangila Were
played in 12 decks.

She's the queen of PI combat. Of course, Nana and Enkidu are close friends.
