What should I buy?
These are guides to help you decide what to buy. Your choices will depend primarily on whether you're a Neonate joining the night or an Elder coming out of torpor.
Neonates joining the night

Neonates are the new Methuselah joining us in the Eternal Struggle. If you're looking into getting in the game, your best bet is without question the V5 box, containing 5 Camarilla preconstructed decks: Ventrue v, Tremere u, Toreador t, Nosferatu s and Malkavian q. You can play them straight out of the box and get a few fun games out of them. It is the perfect start for a collection or a curious Coterie alike.

If you're more interested into demoing the game, you might want to acquire instead the five New Blood decks matching those clans: they're cheaper and they're perfect to demonstrate how the game works to a couple of people in half an hour, but they're not full-fledged decks you can run a real game with. However, they are perfect additions to the V5 decks: you can use the New Blood cards to tinker the starter decks and try to modify and improve them a bit.
If you want to go beyond that and achieve the highest power possible for the lowest price, it seems like a good rule of thumb is to go one V5 starter + two New Blood for each clan. See for example these blog articles about Tremere and Malkavian.
From there, two possibilities are open to you: Go wide or Go deep.
Go wide: more clans, more decks
You might want to acquire more decks featuring more clans. This would give you and, maybe, your playgroup, more options and allow for a lot of different games.
It really depends on the kind of players you are: some playgroups prefer to have each member focus on their own clan and try to improve their deck game after game, while others prefer to mix and match, switching clan and deck every game.
If you want to go wide, here are the next steps:
Other V5 precons

There are additional V5 precons that are not in the standard box, they should be your first stop: Banu Haqim n, Brujah o, Gangrel p, Ministry r, Salubri c, Tzimisce k, Ravnos x, Lasombra w, and Hecata y. They're strong decks with good cards and can seamlessly be mixed with the V5 Box decks and their five clans. If you want to improve a bit on those clans and get some cards to tinker the decks, you can just get a couple of the matching New Blood bundles for them. Note that the New Blood bundles for Salubri c, Tzimisce k, Ravnos x, Lasombra w, and Hecata y are yet to be released, so they'll have less options until then.
Finally, the 30th Anniversary provides a second deck for the Toreador t, with a stronger political angle, adding a new high-end opposition on your tables. It also contain a lot of great cards for any Camarilla political deck, if you're interested.
With this acquisition on top of the base box, you will have fifteen strong decks that can be enjoyed together in a balanced and fun experience. That's already a high replayability there for any playgroup. Going any further means you're not a Neonate anymore, but an experienced Ancillae ready to expand their horizon.
Legacy Preconstructed

The legacy preconstructed decks are another series of ready-to-play powerful decks. The 25th Anniversary is a very strong top-tier tournament Gangrel p deck, but can be played together with your previous acquisitions easily: you might want to try and tinker the previous decks to make them a stronger match, but they are pretty good already, and the multiplayer nature of the game levels the playfield easily here. Den of Fiends, Parliament of Shadows, Libertine Ball and Pact with Nephandi are strong tournament archetypes too, although a bit tuned down.
Print on demand

So, you got 20 decks and you want more? Greedy childe of the darkness, very well. Your next inquiry should be the Print-on-Demand cards, then. They are the same quality as the bundles you acquired already, and cost less than $0.50 a card. They can be bought from DriveThru Cards in the US and Gamepod in the EU.
What can you find there? Well complete reprints for some legacy clans and disciplines. As of today, clans Assamite D, Baali E, Daughters of Cacophony J, Ravnos x, Lasombra T, Followers of Set K, Tzimisce k, Pander a and Salubri c are fully available there, plus the Disciplines Quietus , Daimonon , Melpominee , Chimerstry , Vicissitude and Obeah . Combined with the cards you already posess, this can let you build a lot of strong tournament decks. See our archetypes section for a better idea of what you can build.
Promo Packs

Once you get to this level, promo packs can be nice acquisitions. Promo Pack 1 can let you build some fun Star-vampire decks, like Baltimore Purge, and Promo Pack 2 gives you a few Barons you cannot find elsewhere: Benedito, a Lanterna, Bituin, and Jacques Rouge.
Lost Kindred

Lost Kindred unlocks a couple of other decks: you can put up together a fun Gargoyles N, Harbinger Q or Samedi e deck. Previously in high demand for the powerful Emerald Legionnaire, it is now much less appealing since the 2024 errata of the card.
Go deep: deckbuilding & refining
Your other options is to have fun with a bit more deck building. Rather than fooling around with many options and building a collection of ready-to-play decks for friends to come play with, maybe you're more into carefully honing and improving your own deck and then meet with your friends and their decks to see who comes out on top. Maybe you want to play regularly with Elders who have access to a wider collection, or participate in tournaments.
In that case, diversification might not be your path, and you might want to go deeper into nice deck building options for your favorite clan. Therefore, your buying list shall be different.
Upcoming V5 format
Note that the VEKN Inner Circle did announce that a "V5 format" will probably be defined soon. There is no precise list yet of what we can expect as part of it, but most likely all products listed as V5 on the BCP website and online shop will probably be part of it, whereas legacy products and print on demand reprints will be excluded of it. Promo vampires starting with the promo pack 2 will likely be part of it, while the few reprints in those promo packs might not.
So, if you're mostly interested in the new format, you might want to stay away from the legacy products. On the other hand, note that it is unlikely that this new format will be come the "new standard" anytime soon: while some events might use it to appeal to more neonates, the biggest (nationals and continentals) and many playgroups will continue using all cards.
Contrarily to other CCGs, the more times goes by, the more reprints get available for all the old cards with the print on demand system, so new joiners will face less and less difficulties acquiring all the cards they need. The new "V5 format" could become mainstream in a few years, but it might just as well die out early. Right now, with the format not even completely defined, there's no way to know.
30th Anniversary

Anniversary decks are a great option if you're looking into having more depth for deck-building. Once you've got two copies of your deck and two copies of the New Blood, the 30th Anniversary or the previous one (next section) will probably be your first pick. It provides a good number of staples you'll want to have, especially on the master module: Dreams of the Sphinx, Giant's Blood and Information Highway, a good number of Zillah's Valley (which a few good high capacity decks absolutely require), and of Villein. On top of that, it comes with a good selection of votes like Parity Shift and Banishment, and useful Presence and Auspex cards, like Majesty, Awe, Charismatic Aura, My Enemy's Enemy and Telepathic Misdirection.
This bundle also includes great new cards for Camarilla political decks: Camarilla Conclave, Camarilla's Iron Fist and Confiscation. On top of that, it is of course an unmissable upgrade for Toreador t decks with 8 new vampires, and the new Loup, already a staple for Toreador t. The bundle also includes a few new vampires for other Camarilla clans: Dónal O’Connor (G6) o, Ian Carfax u, Juliet Parr q, Lucinde, Alastor (G7) v, Molly MacDonald s, and Nikolaus Vermeulen (G6) s. Although the Lasombra w and Banu Haqim n have no new vampire (their Justicar being already in the V5 starter), they get their own Justicar political actions: Banu Haqim Justicar and Lasombra Justicar.
25th Anniversary

Depending on what clans you're building on, the previous 25th Anniversary might be a good complement, or an even better deal than the latest one. It also contains excellent Master cards: Dreams of the Sphinx, The Coven, Giant's Blood and Information Highway, a good number of Zillah's Valley, and a number of Villein and Vessel. On the disciplines side, it provides great additions for Dominate , Protean , and Fortitude , with staples like Govern the Unaligned, Form of Mist or Freak Drive. Some cards are only available in this bundle, like Rapid Change or Murmur of the False Will.
Parliament of Shadows

Depending on what kind of decks you're playing, Parliament of Shadows is potentially a good next step. Again, it has a lot of good master cards: Information Highway, Jake Washington, Papillon, and the reprints of Obedience and Mylan Horseed. Still, depending on what kind of deck you're focusing on, this might be useless or costly, so check the cards list.
Keepers of Tradition

If you're focusing on a clan, you'll want to check the matching Keepers of Traditions bundle. Keepers of Tradition 1 for Brujah o, Gangrel p, Malkavian q and Nosferatu s, Keepers of Tradition 2 for Toreador t, Tremere u and Ventrue v. They often offer very good crypt alternatives that will open strong builds for those clans: all group 4 Inner Circle members, and group 5 Justicars, as well as very strong vampires in the groups 4 and 5. But also some useful cards that have not been otherwise reprinted, like Force of Personality, Touch of Clarity, Scourge of the Enochians and Ponticulus.
Beware for Malkavians q, the ones in this bundle have Dementation instead of Dominate as clan discipline. The legacy Dementation is interesting, albeit a completely separate branch for Malkavians. If you want to go down this road, you might want to look into First Blood: Malkavian for additional cards and vampires.
Print on demand

The other avenue worth exploring to get more cards for your deck is the print on demand option, with Drivethru Cards in the US and Gamepod in the EU. Of course, if you're playing Lasombra w or Tzimisce k, this gives you easy access to all the clan cards you could need, plus Obtenebration and Vicissitude cards. But even for other clans, you can fetch important staples like Direct Intervention and Anarch Convert. Some key cards are also available for Malkavian q, Gangrel p and Brujah o, like Mental Maze, Hell‑For‑Leather, Power of One, Shattering, Smoke and Mirrors and Undue Influence.
Another interesting avenue here is to fetch all the cards you need to build very powerful and intricate decks cheaply, like Baltimore Purge, Ravnos Clown Car, Giovanni Powerbleed, Shambling Hordes, or even The unnamed.
Fall of London

Fall of London might have a couple of interesting new vampires that can really benefit your deck, and it's a relatively cheap bundle. Abraham Mellon and Darius Shirazi are great additions for some Malkavian q decks, Mithras, Queen Anne and Valerius open up interesting high capacity avenues for the Ventrue v, Daria with her superior can open new possibilities for Nosferatu s, Chun Hei might find her place in combat-heavy Brujah o decks, and Adisa can be a nice addition in some Banu Haqim n builds.
Other Sabbat precons

Depending on what you're playing, acquiring some other legacy preconstructed decks might be in order then. Using Libertine Ball, for example, can let you explore a different avenue for a Banu Haqim n deck, combining The Embrace and Consanguineous Boon to build a bigger swarm and get the most out of Haqim's Law: Retribution.
Anarchs Unbound

Again depending on the kind of deck you're interested in, the Anarchs Unbound kickstarter bundle (still available on BCP shop) might be worth the detour: it has interesting cards for Brujah o and Ministry r: Appolonius might be an interesting star, but also it's the only print of Illegalism, Memory Rift, Propaganda of the Deed, Donnybrook and Bollix.
Anthology 1

There's really only one reason to go for Anthology 1, and that's if you're interested in a set of Ashur Tablets and Liquidation. In that case, you'll want three to five of those bundles. Sure, you'll also get copies of other good cards like The Heart of Nizchetus, Carlton Van Wyk, The Unmasking, Enkil Cog, and Anarch Convert, but it's still a rather expensive investment for the return you get.
Echoes of Gehenna

Echoes of Gehenna might interest you, just because it does contain all the nice events that hadn't been reprinted yet: Narrow Minds, The Uncoiling and FBI: Special Affairs Division. On top of that, it's the only reprint of The Parthenon, which you might want to acquire if you went for a few Anthology 1 bundles.
Unaligned 1 & 2

The Unaligned kickstarter bundles make the end of the list here. Unaligned 1 is mostly interesting if you're into Banu Haqim n: it gets you Flavia, Omer and Al‑Ashrad, plus the mildly interesting Focus the Blood. The Gangrel p cards have mostly been reprinted in the preconstructed decks so it's not that appealing. There are only a couple of cards of interest in Unaligned 2: Saatet‑Ta for Ministry r, Funeral Wake if you're interested in a Shambling Hordes or Emerald Legion deck. If you're into Giovanni O or legacy Followers of Set K (those with Serpentis ), the bundle has some very good cards that have only been printed there.
First Blood

The First Blood bundles have very few interesting cards, most of them also got a reprint either in V5 products or in the Keepers of Tradition bundles. Still, it might be interesting in some case: it has Aching Beauty for Toreador t, rarely used Tremere u cards (Thadius Zho and Charnas), but also Weighted Walking Stick, Legal Manipulations, and Dementation cards like Kindred Spirits and Confusion if legacy Malkavians U are your thing. The Nosferatu s bundle has the only reprint (for now) of Aid from Bats, J. S. Simmons, Petra and Laptop Computer, and also has a Powerbase: Montreal, so it might be overall good value depending on your collection.
The rest
Now depending on the deck you're running, you might be missing just a couple of cards. Shadow of Berlin has an Aranthebes, and getting the whole bundle just for it might be the best bargain you'll find. Danse Macabre has fun cards, but unlikely to fit your deck, except if you're interested in experimenting with Shadow Boxing or Esprit De Corps or if you have a special interest in some vampire exclusive to the set like Mélusine d'Anjou, Johannes Worringen or Amber.
Heirs to the Blood is mostly irrelevant because the cards are all available as print on demand, but it might be worth it if the delivery fees for your location are steep.
Elder coming out of torpor
Welcome back, fellow Elder, if you're just getting out of torpor, awaken by the rumors of fresh new blood rampaging the streets and Anarchs rising all over the world.
If you already have a decent collection and the basic staples of the game, your will approach buying new cards from a very different perspective. Whether you want to complete your collection, try out some niche archetypes you could not afford before that have recently been made much more available, or want to discover the new cards and archetype that have been unleashed this last couple of years, this guide should provide you with all the information you need.
New cards
V5 Anarchs

The four supplementary V5 decks, Banu Haqim n, Ministry r, Gangrel p and Brujah o, introduce big changes. First, in terms of the clan. Following the Paradox universe evolution, Gangrel p and Brujah o are now both Anarchs, with a good number of Barons. The changes are deeper for the other two: the new Banu Haqim n (aka. Assamite) are Camarilla and got as clan disciplines, whereas the Ministry r (aka. Followers of Set) are Anarch, with as clan disciplines.
Each deck introduces brand new vampires, but also new library cards:
- Brujah o: Line Brawl, 47th Street Royals, Bait and Switch, Organized Resistance
- Gangrel p: Double Deuce, Form of the Bat, Deep Ecology, Eyes of the Wild, Form of the Wolf
- Banu Haqim n: Haqim's Law: Retribution, Hunter's Mark, Hunger of Marduk
- Ministry r: The Platinum Protocol, Enchanting Gaze, Revelation of the Serpent, Form of the Cobra, Party Out Of Bounds
Note that the decks also contain prints that were otherwise only available as a PDF expansion before: Show of Force, Dust Up, Priority Contract, Thing, Rewilding, Protection Racket and Bear's Skin. On top of this, Quickness was modified (free instead of having a 1 blood cost).
This expansion gave birth to new competitive archetypes for all four clans: if you're into competitive play, you'll want to acquire a couple of each of those decks to be able to build the latest in-fashion decks.
V5 Companion

Similar to the V5 Anarchs the "Companion" decks (named after the RPG supplement that introduced them) cover more heavily changed clans: Salubri c, Ravnos x and Tzimisce k. The Salubri c are now one unified independent clan with , Ravnos x joined the Anarch movement and have , and Tzimisce k also joined the Anarchs, with .
Again all decks are comprised of all new vampires and new library cards:
- Ravnos x: Break the Bonds, City Star Taxi, Feral Hound, Night Terrors, Visions of Gehenna, Visions of Zapathasura, Voracious Vermin
- Salubri c: Feast of the Soul's Secrets, Forced Confessional, Meditative Grove, Saulot's Avenging Fist, Saulot's Guiding Wisdom, Saulot's Healing Touch, Sword of the Archangel, Touch of Valeren, Unleashing the Bestial Soul
- Tzimisce k: Invigorate, Monstrous Form, Obedient Flesh, One With the Land, Sculpt the Flesh, Vozhd of Sofia
Additionally, these decks also have again included some formerly relatively rare or sought after cards (Archon Investigation, Club Illusion, Garibaldi‑Meucci Museum, Powerbase: Los Angeles in Ravnos x, My Enemy’s Enemy in Salubri c, Piper, Constant Revolution, War Ghoul in Tzimisce k) as well as cards only released as Promos (City Star Taxi in Ravnos x) and Reprints of Childe of the Revolution from New Blood and Organized Resistance & Bait and Switch from the Anarch Precons.
It is notable that the Salubri c only got new cards that require a Salubri c, but except for the lack of Dominate on old Salubri c, these cards could be combined with them.
As of writing this section, these decks are too new to gauge their impact on the competitive scene.
V5 Oblivion

The last two V5 clans use the new Oblivion w get it in place of Obtenebration , and then there's a whole new clan, the Hecata y, with for clan disciplines. On top of all the obviously new Oblivion cards and vampires, the Lasombra w contains a few new cards that are a bit more generic: Expulsion, Ominous Chorus, and Amici Noctis, as well as a reprint and rename of the old Mind Rape in Puppet Master.
discipline: the new LasombraOf course, both a new clan and a new discipline are the interesting start of a new playground, so it's worth exploring the possibilities here. Surely, they'll only expand once the matching New Blood bundles are released.
30th Anniversary

Anniversary decks are a great source of great cards. The 30th Anniversary provides great staples like Dreams of the Sphinx, Giant's Blood, Parity Shift and Banishment. But, more importantly, it contains 14 new vampires (8 Toreador t) and new library cards:
- Camarilla Conclave
- Camarilla's Iron Fist
- Confiscation
- Loup
- Banu Haqim Justicar
- Lasombra Justicar

If you were wandering around during the blip (the 2010-2017 period with no physical print), you may know of the VEKN "PDF expansion". You might want to know they've been printed through a Kickstarter, and a few copies are still available in online shops around, specifically on the BCP online shop. You might want to get your claws on those cards to replace your paper prints there. Also, Show of Force, Public Vilification and Inside Dirt, from Danse Macabre, have been boosted.
Promo Pack 2

Promo Pack 2 contains a few Barons you will not find elsewhere: Benedito, a Lanterna, Bituin, and Jacques Rouge.

The V5 expansions have brought new vampires in groups 6 and 7, though they didn't quite disrupt the meta the way they four "V5 Anarchs" decks did. All V5 decks and bundles contain new vampires so, if you're a completionist, you will want a bit of everything there. Moreover, the decks include a good number of staples that might be neat in your collection: you never have enough Second Tradition, Parity Shift, Govern the Unaligned, Eyes of Argus, Deflection and Delaying Tactics, right?
In terms of library cards, V5 Nosferatu is the only deck introducing new cards: Creeping Sabotage, Protected District, The Warrens and Roundhouse.
Fall of London

Fall of London contains a couple of additional vampires, and a couple of new Library cards:
- The British Museum, London
- The Mithraeum, London
- Mithraic Cultist
- Mobile HQ, Operation Antigen
- The Shard, London
- ECTU Operative
- Michael Harris, the Incinerator
- Valerie Diaz, Antigen Commander
- Enhanced Coagulant
- Ritual Goblet
The British Museum in particular has been used successfully in a couple of builds.
New Blood

New Blood decks are mainly about new vampires, very few new library cards are released here so far, but with more heavily changed clans coming this will probably change in the future. The vampires are a very nice addition to the ones available in the V5 starters, if you want to get those crypts.
The New Library cards are:
- Brujah o: Childe of the Revolution
Childe of the Revolution as a Baron version of Third Tradition: Progeny or Creation Rites is going to make a potential big splash on the scene with new concepts for Anarchs being explored.
Lost Kindred

If you've missed it, you'll want to look into the Lost Kindred bundle and the infamous Emerald Legionnaire. The card was designed to boost the Harbingers Q a bit and give them a chance in competitive play, and ended up giving them a couple of top tier tournament decks so strong the meta had to adapt and include more solutions against the typical swarm of allies these decks can field. So much so that the card was errated in February 2024, making Emerald decks much less of a thing, and acquiring this bundle less appealing.
On top of it, the expansion offers nice new toys for Gargoyles N, Samedi e, Salubri antitribu d and Blood Brothers F.
What changed in the last few years?
There have been a number of changes recently. You can browse the detailed list of changes but, to give you a primer on the most important points:
- Since 2011, Psyche! is played during combat, not in-between combats anymore, and priscii have "ballots", not "votes".
- Caitiff is a full-fledged clan, Anarch is a full-fledged sect, and sect is inherited from the sire when creating a new vampire.
- Vampires do not automatically get out during influence anymore: you choose whether you turn them up or not.
- A lot of effects that were mandatory are now optional, and things that were fetched in secret now revealed, for a smoother tournament experience
- Lilith's Blessing was banned in 2013
- Anthelios, Temptation of Greater Power and Seeds of Corruption were banned in 2017, and tap/untap have been replaced by lock/unlock because of patent issues.
- Gypsies, Rom Gypsy, Tarbaby Jack, Terrorists and Tsigane were banned in 2020 but replaced by Double Deuce, City Star Taxi, Len Konopka, Dark Web Procurer and Ashlesha.
- Villein, Pentex™ Subversion, Una, The Ankara Citadel, Parity Shift, Sensory Deprivation, Nightmare Curse, Ashur Tablets, and Emerald Legionnaire have been nerfed.
- Black Metamorphosis, Summon the Abyss, Summon the Serpent, Shadow Parasite, Revelation of Despair, The Realm of the Black Sun, Principia Discordia, Masquer, Kali’s Fang, Giuseppe, Edge Vitiation, Divine Image, Consignment to Duat, Inside Dirt, Public Vilification, Show of Force, Vivienne Géroux, Quickness, Herald of Topheth and Oxford University, England have been boosted.
Worthy reprints
Print on demand

In case you're not aware, you might want to know that a lot of legacy cards are available as print-on-demand on Drivethru Cards and Gamepod for less then $0.50 apiece. You can finally complete your collections for clans:
- Assamite D
- Baali E
- Daughters of Cacophony J
- Ravnos b
- Lasombra T
- Followers of Set K
- Tzimisce k
- Giovanni O
- Pander a
- Salubri c
- Tremere Antitribu i
and discplines:
- Quietus
- Daimonon
- Melpominee
- Obtenebration
- Necromancy
- Chimerstry
- Vicissitude
- Obeah
Never had the means to build a Baltimore Purge, Shambling Hordes, War Ghouls, Ravnos Clown Car, The unnamed, Giotto, Spirit Marionette, Shattering Crescendo, or Legacy of Pander deck? It's now really affordable (mind the taxes and delivery fees, depending on where you live. It's still a good deal, though).
Anthology 1

Maybe before you entered torpor, a few cards were frustratingly expensive to get. Ashur Tablets, Liquidation, Enkil Cog, Carlton, Heart of Nizchetus and The Unmasking, for example. In that case, you'll happily acquire a few copies of Anthology 1. It was the first reprint since Heirs to the Blood in 2010, and this bundle released at the 2017 Berlin European Championship launched BCP and the golden years we're unliving now.
25th Anniversary

The 25th Anniversary preconstructed deck might also be a neat acquisition. It is a full-fledged top tier tournament Stanislava deck, with all the good cards, including Enkil Cog, Dreams of the Sphinx, Giant's Blood, some Zillah's Valley and Villein, the first real print of Ennoia's Theater, some Banishment and a fair number of Parity Shift. It's a real treat.
Sabbat Precons

The other legacy preconstructed decks were released as high level preconstructed decks to allow neonates to join existing Elder tables with something decent enough to leave them a chance. To make it worth our while, BCP also seized this occasion to print rather heavily sought-after cards, like a bunch of Antonio and Nephandus in Pact with Nephandi, so many Embraces alongside a couple of Palla Grande and Foundation Exhibit in Libertine Ball, the whole Lasombra w package together with Jake Washington and Monastery of Shadows in Parliament of Shadows, and the whole package with The Rack, Smiling Jack, Bowl of Convergence and Heart of Nizchetus in Den of Fiends.
Depending on where you're collection is at, these decks could really fill some holes there, and they also include all the right staples you've never have enough of, like Govern, Deflection, Eyes of Argus, Deep Song, Carrion Crows, etc.
Promo Pack 1

A nice treat, the Promo Pack 1 has all these juicy star vampires that were previously released as promo cards: finally a chance to get this Capuchin, Montano or Lord Tremere deck rolling for a really affordable price.
Keepers of Traditions and Heirs to The Blood

The Keepers of Tradition have some nice cards and vampires you might be lacking, it's worth looking into. The Heirs to the Blood where a very nice reprint, also with a bunch of hard to find bloodline cards, but now that Baali E, Daughters J and Salubri c are available on print-on-demand, your mileage might vary.
For the collectors
A few of us Elders are greedy hoarders. That's fine, that's the beast speaking, really. You have to let it go from time to time, right? Some pretty exclusive promos have been released in the last few years, and there have been successive prints and differences in bundles you might want to know about:
- Some promos have been released with alternate are: more and more cards are getting a Full-bleed version, there are two sketch versions of Direct Intervention, and alternate arts for a few other cards.
- An Edge card that has been released as promo and is now also available as print-on-demand.
- The Anthology set released and sold in Berlin in 2017 is different from the Anthology 1 reprint: it had a few more cards (Andre, Aisha, The Line) and a different icon.
- The pledgers of the Unleashed Kickstarter, the printed release of the VEKN "PDF expansions" Anarch Unbound, Danse Macabre and The Unaligned, also got the promos Double Deuce, Ashlesha, Len Kanopka, Vivienne Geroux, City Star Taxi, Dark Web Procurer and Vlad Tepes.
- Promos have no icon, the reprints do. So there are multiple versions of the cards in the promo packs or on print-on-demand (All cards in promo packs 1 and 2 were first released as promos with no icon, as was Nefertiti advanced or Anarch Convert, for example). The cards that have been promos multiple time, like Entrancement and Charisma had no icon the first time, and a specific GP icon (different for each) for the second promo round.
- They were exclusive promos for some World of Darkness product: Bolesław Gutowski (Polish edition of VTM), Alicia Cortez (Mind's Eye Theatre), Gabriel Tremblay (Chapters) and Tegyrius (War of Ages). They've all been reprinted as GP promos
- V5 bundles have been release not only in English, but also in French, Spanish and Protuguese. Some bundles were also release in Latin. These might make for nice alternates in your decks, or constitute an additional challenge if you're a real completionist.
Come out and play
Now that you're back in the night, maybe you want to get out of your haven and join us in some official events. It might be the occasion to get your fangs on free juidcy promos.
But moreover, you'll get to meet your peers, catch up, and see the latest trends in action. Check the VEKN calendar for official tournaments near you!
Where to buy
Primary market
- KGS Cards
- DriveThru Cards, note you can use blood library to search for cards there